Odd results of my upload, one quarter missing or distorted
I tried doing a search for this, but I couldn't come up with a way to describe it that garnered any results.
Thankfully, this only affected 7 photos that I added to a gallery. Boy was I surprised when I looked at them.
I will delete and replace them. I'm just curious about the gremlin that altered my photos. Have you seen this before?
The color and quality of this uploaded photo is way off the original too.
Thankfully, this only affected 7 photos that I added to a gallery. Boy was I surprised when I looked at them.
I will delete and replace them. I'm just curious about the gremlin that altered my photos. Have you seen this before?
The color and quality of this uploaded photo is way off the original too.
Make sense?
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2) can I see the link to the file on your site please (don't replace it or delete it yet)
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Sorry, they're gone. It wasn't a major problem, more a curiosity. It didn't occur to me that you'd want to see them in the site. It was just a normal upload, except it's the smallest number I've sent - 7 photos. I'll let you know if it ever happens again and I'll leave them for you to investigate.
I knew I was going to delete them so I didn't want to link to them, that's why I attached them. It makes sense that you'd rather have people link to their sites. Does that work if you've got a password on your site?
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Someday I may understand all of the options on the customize gallery page. Many are straight forward, but a few seem cryptic or not relative to me.
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I posted a few pictures to an existing gallery, using the same method I've used all along, and I have a crop of crazy photos again. I'm exporting with the SM tool for sending straight from Aperture.
Oops, I thought it would attach a copy of the photo when I put the URL in the Manage Attachments tool and hit upload, but it didn't work. I have it set to allow external links in the Customize Gallery section. I don't know what I did wrong there. Maybe you can get there with this method.
There should be two dogs in this photo. I have no clue where the red and orange came from.
Try uploading that same file with the SmugMug uploader and let us know, okay? Thanks.
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Thanks, Andy. I cross posted and hope I explained it well enough. I included a link back to this thread.
I used the Smuggy drag and drop method on one of the photos and it didn't come out right either.
That's the same photo as the one with the orange and red quarter patch.
It's happened again. 11 out of 31 photos I just posted did not upload correctly. Half panels are missing, or dim, three are blank, one is DARK, and one is stretched. No one responded the last time I complained of this problem after I cross posted as instructed. I finally just resent the corrupted and distorted photos. What is causing this and why does it keep happening? Is anyone else reporting such oddities?
I tried uploading the URL to a couple of samples and it did not work.:help
OK, I used attachments since I couldn't get the URL to work. I put one from this batch of bad uploads in my previous post too. That's more of what's happened before. The one below is stretched and it's a photo I didn't crop. The girl in front is as thin as a rail.
Can you give me a link to the gallery for this upload?
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I just tried resending those 11 using the SmugUploader and HOLY COW what a mess now! The whole gallery has tipped on its side and the photos are all distorted and sideways! YIKES!
OK, it's a dynamic problem. I just looked again and some of the photos have righted their orientation again, some remain a quarter turn off. There are more that are half dark that I didn't notice earlier. What kind of gremlins are running around tonight?
BTW, while SmugUploader was sending I could see at least five of the thumbnails were messed up, half black or distorted. The photos all look fine in Aperture.
Please try reuploading them all with the Universal Drag and Drop and let me know if you have trouble. Haven't heard of any such trouble with the Aperture plugin, but let's see....
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Well that request brings up another oddity. Several weeks ago when you requested I use the Universal method I was able to do it. Ever since then, I have NO Smuggy. That uploader page looks like this with only a tiny dot and a big blank space where Smuggy used to live. :hide I tried just dragging some photos onto the black space where Smuggy should be but all it did was open on photo very large in my browser window. I am using Firefox.
The SmugExporter has been working flawlessly for a few weeks until this problem today. I've uploaded hundreds of photos the last few days and I just went through my other galleries and can find no oopsies.
I spoke too soon about there not being other upload problems. I just discovered another gallery that did not upload properly today. It rules out one theory I had about this particular batch of photos having an unusually small file size. The photos in the other gallery have normal file sizes, so that's not the problem. Nor is it an old camera versus new camera issue because the photos I reported in the beginning of this thread were taken with my new camera.
I opened Safari and I still have a Smuggy living in the Universal uploader space over there.
I'm going to start a new gallery just to keep it straight and send the photos again through the universal on Safari.
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Oh, these are interesting. This was using the Universal uploader from Safari. I sent them at full size because this batch of photos has some very small file sizes. I'm sure that's a good part of the problem, but it isn't the whole problem. The other instances had full 1-3 mb size files. I've gotten in the habit of sending 50% size to Smug to reduce the upload time.
I'm going to get into my other computer and see if I can find these particular photos saved on it. I don't know how the file sizes got this small. That also explains part of the grainy look. I'd attributed that to my old camera and a weak battery at the end of the party not powering the flash well.
What about no Smuggy on Firefox? Has that happened to anyone else? Am I jinxed?
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I have a Mac and my software updater (per Java site instructions) does not indicate I need any updates to Java.
Do you really want me to send again? I sent the whole bunch through the Safari browser using your Smuggy uploader. The results were even more distorted and corrupted.
I'd say this was a fluke if it didn't keep happening. Since it's happened more than three times on different days and different batches of photos, something is going wrong. Now we know that it's not just the SmugExporter for Aperture since I exported the Safari experiment from a folder on my desktop.
This completely ruined my momentum for processing and posting pics this weekend.
I left the gallery in the last post on my website to show what the problem looks like.
Now I'm going to leave this new mess posted for a bit in hopes of finding some answers. Is any one else reporting this oddity?
What should I do to correct the problem?
We haven't seen this really at all... I can only suggest that there are funky communications errors going on. I'm really sorry that this happens to you. I suspect extreme packet loss (data loss) during the upload.
I hope we can have some more uploading choices for you soon, that might overcome such problems.
In the meantime, you must reload these photos, I'm very sorry :cry
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