Downloaded file size problem
Hello to all, first time poster, still on my Smugmug trial and likely to convert.
I and at least one other person have had problems downloading files from my gallery and instead of getting the full original size we get something much smaller. Pics are public and available for download.
This happened to me on my first day testing the process, it was late so I tried again the next day with success so I wrote it off to me/Windows/gremlins/whatever. I proceeded to post pics and let friends now where they could download pics. Told them to move/mouse over the pic and choose 'Save Photo' to download the original file. Have had reports back from two individuals one with success downloading and one without (small file size). So I tried again today and on my first try I got the same small file size but on later tries it is the original larger file size. :scratch
Any thoughts?
I and at least one other person have had problems downloading files from my gallery and instead of getting the full original size we get something much smaller. Pics are public and available for download.
This happened to me on my first day testing the process, it was late so I tried again the next day with success so I wrote it off to me/Windows/gremlins/whatever. I proceeded to post pics and let friends now where they could download pics. Told them to move/mouse over the pic and choose 'Save Photo' to download the original file. Have had reports back from two individuals one with success downloading and one without (small file size). So I tried again today and on my first try I got the same small file size but on later tries it is the original larger file size. :scratch
Any thoughts?
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Perhaps they were right click- saving the Large size?
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Andy, I have run into users who were doing right-click save when they should have been doing Save Photo. In fact, I've gotten emails from parents at the school after an event that I shot that told me when they printed my images at home, they came out all jaggie. After troubleshooting, I find out they right-click saved the medium file size rather than did Save Photo.
So, what to do about this mishap? If you're a pro, you could enable right-click protection except that gets in the way of legitimate uses of the smaller photo sizes (like linking to them or emailing them to someone). So, if you aren't trying to actually protect your images, turning on right-click protection and taking some features away just to prevent confusion in another area seems like a less than ideal solution.
One other possibility would be to advise a user when they do right click and save photo is enabled that this is not the best way to save the photo with some sort of prompt.
An even more advanced possibiity would be to offer your own right click menu that offers a number of common functions in Smugmug language rather than generic browser language:
- Save this reduced image size
- Save original (full resolution) image
- Copy image link to clipboard
- Copy page link to clipboard
- Copy image to clipboard
In this way, the user would be forced to pick which function they actually wanted and would find it harder to get the medium size when they wanted the original.Homepage • Popular
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