Comments on LPS#4 entry...please

Congratulation to all the semifinalists in round #4. The entries were awesome! There's alot of people working really hard out there.
Many have said that they like the idea of this contest being a learning experience. I could learn more if you (any of you reading this) would give me feedback on my last entry. How do you feel about my entry (#27 MAGIC 3 of entry thread)?
Thank you in advance for your comments.
Here's how I'm feeling today....

Many have said that they like the idea of this contest being a learning experience. I could learn more if you (any of you reading this) would give me feedback on my last entry. How do you feel about my entry (#27 MAGIC 3 of entry thread)?
Thank you in advance for your comments.
Here's how I'm feeling today....

In the end, I felt it was more of a PS image than a actual photograph and that was why I didn't include it in my top ten.
Now, that captures the spirit of the tall mountains LPS asks us to climb.
But, who does not believe [he, she, it...] wont' push that fascinating door open and, gathering speed, rush into a new dimension.
[FONT="]As You Think, So Shall You BE... Rumi, 13th Century Persian Poet
Award-Winning Photography, Workshop Instructor, Storyteller, Writer
[/FONT][FONT="]Blog: [/FONT][FONT="]Pathways of Light[/FONT]
[FONT="] Workshops: Creating Fine Art Magic[/FONT][FONT="]
Book: Paths of Light [/FONT]
[FONT="]Workshops: 2011 Lightroom 3 Workshops
[/FONT][FONT="]Galleries, Bisti Art
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Shay & Bisti: But may I have your comments about MAGIC MIRROR?
Just my thoughts... it's definitely art, and everyone has their own interpretation.
The first difference I notice between the mirrors is that one is in B&W and the other is in color: that is the impression on the 5 second glance. Only when I look at it longer do I notice the other differences, but even then, the B&W vs. Color difference lingers heavily. You introduced (for no reason I can see) an artifical difference between the mirrors that competes with your message which significanly weakens the impact.
One idea I have to improve this shot is to put both mirrors on a dressing table. Giving them some context will help tell your story. Also, giving them a shared context would integrate the picture and make it feel less stiched together.
In terms of photoshop work, many people will prefer the image if you allow room for the suspension of disbelief by making the shot feel like one even if it isn't. That is a mistake I made with my entry. While it really was just one scene (albeit an HDR) and the cloning work I did was minimal, many people react to it as if it were two. I didn't realize that was a problem until too late. I came up with a solution during the contest period but I didn't have time to actually shoot it.
Sure 'nuf. I was just telling you my opinion of the image and why I personally didn't include it on my top ten.
The fact is, you really didn’t need both mirrors to say artificial, but I new what you wanted to show with the whole magic mirror thing and I didn’t think that was done very well
Hope this wasn't more information than you were looking for...:D
Just keep in mind... I think we are all trying to create that one image that makes the majority of people who see it, go "WOW"
For what it’s worth…
I thought your shot (as I didn't over think it or go into the way you did it so deeply) was a really cool one. The color versus black & white didn't faze me. I thought it was done very well how one mirror showed a younger more vibrant face and the other older. Not a big deal to me....and I might suggest...for you too....don't over think it either. It's done, it's did a great job portraying your mind's eys and it came across.
Who knows what a judge will think, let alone a hundred other people. We all have shots like this....some we think are really nice and other's don't take to deal. Keep up with your creativity as I personally think it's wonderful. Bottom line it's about our artistic expressions. Not everyone likes Genesis, not everyone likes Rembrant.
Keep the you...let your own artistic style speak volumes of your abilities...some will wooo, some won't...we have no control over that.
NAPP Member | Canon Shooter
Weddings/Portraits and anything else that catches my eye.
Model Mayhem site
"Given that images completely unrelated to the themes and images that would have received a severe mauling in the whipping post garnered votes, and even in some cases made it into the top 10 I think you just need to accept the involvement of human nature in the voting, though I'm aware how difficult this is."
BIG Thanks Charlie
Your advice shall be taken to heart!!!