FT: Canon EF24-70 F2.8L
Would like to trade my Canon EF 24-70 2.8L for a Canon EF 35 1.4L. The lens is in exc+ conditon and comes with caps, box and hood, the hood does show some wear but nothing more that the usual marks. The date code is UR (2003) and I just had it serviced by Canon, glass is clean it's a sharp copy. Looking for a sharp 35 1.4 with hood in similar condition or better in return. if you are interested please drop me an e-mail at: dermot.conlan@verizon.net
Can send pics, have sold on FM and photo.net. see my web page to see I do exist. [url]www.dermotconlan.com:D[/url]
Can send pics, have sold on FM and photo.net. see my web page to see I do exist. [url]www.dermotconlan.com:D[/url]