Absolutely fantastic! I love the reflections in the water on the mallard pics and what detail in the GBH pic! The last is a bit soft or it is just me?
the last pic is OOF but maybe still fun to look at....
we were waiting for a GBH and some geese decided to have a fight 10' from us and one flew right at the boat....my reflexes are good for sports but not big birds flying at my head....i fired a burst and really missed them all but this was the only keeper and just barely
Nikon D700 x2/D300
Nikon 70-200 2.8/50 1.8/85 1.8/14.24 2.8
the last pic is OOF but maybe still fun to look at....
we were waiting for a GBH and some geese decided to have a fight 10' from us and one flew right at the boat....my reflexes are good for sports but not big birds flying at my head....i fired a burst and really missed them all but this was the only keeper and just barely