>>> LPS#4 Feedback Thread

LPS#4 was a very enjoyable round to judge. A lot of creativity was evident. My compliments to all who entered. And now we open it up for some feedback that may help some out there. Here are my thoughts as I looked through them.
Post# - Photog - Title
3 - denika - Porcelain Romp
The framing and color seem at odds with what is being conveyed. It just didn't look good to me.
4 - s.shinjin - "GRASS GROW QUICK" ... cycle of life
The theme I get from the photo is "growing" or "youth" but not so much "organic". The framing seems a bit too tight.
5 - bgaras2001 - new life
This was striking when I first saw it.
6 - MaxThompson - Old Brings the Best Out in the New
The theme I get is home on the range, or springtime, or the contrast of old and new, but not the contest theme.
7 - Dusty Sensiba - Cactus Bloom
Looks like you were a week or so early for LPS#5! Doesn't hit the theme for me.
8 - doublemeat - Cliffside
It says cliffs to me or maybe vertigo, but doesn't hit the contest theme for me.
9 - Annie222 - Our Princess
I liked this one, and it made my first round, but lost out to stronger pics. You might consider a 10:4 pano crop on the eyes, that might drive the point home better.
10 - richtersl - I Just Want to be Human
Very powerful image, and great choice in going B&W! Loved it.
11 - dance444ever - Life on Earth
Says fresh to me, or refreshing, or cool. But not the contest theme.
12 - Sydnie&Adison - Splenda
Sorry to say, but this looks very poorly executed and too obvious in concept.
13 - PaulThomasMcKee - Is it Live - or Is it..."Silk-orex"?
I loved the title, but the image falls a little flat for me. Too much out of focus yellow and barely enough detail to compliment the title.
14 - urbanaries - fait accompli
This made me laugh, and it was in my top ten.
15 - DRabbit - Puberty in the New Millenium
Powerful image, it was in my top ten. The color balance was a mild turn off, but it felt in keeping with the spirit of the photo. B&W maybe?
16 - Dalantech - Frozen in Time
Very striking image, I do like it, but for me it didn't say organic. I think I like it better rotated 90 deg CCW.
17 - pemmett - Toad in the Hole (Hole 16, Par 4)
It says interloper more than organic.
18 - kingmamaof2 - I Saw Her Move
Powerful love the crop and color.
19 - chertioga - die to live
Says death or dying to me. The framing and background are a bit lackluster too.
20 - vandana - "Farm fresh"
Says fresh to me. And the apparent reflected image of a hand is an interesting effect, but confuses the message for me.
21 - wildviper - Dying it Red!
The liquid doesn't look fresh. It would be more impactful with a neutral or contrast in colored liquid/glass. As is it looks like the shot was taken on take #3 or so.
22 - douglas - Windowless Room
Clever idea, but it suffers from looking like a rushed job. Too much blank wall, maybe try a vertical crop to get rid of the blank sides.
23 - love - Botanical Specimen
Says exotic to me, maybe tropical, and kind of looks like I am only seeing the backside of the plant. Also looks like the photographers shadow is inadvertently in the shot.
24 - Tessa HD - New Skin
Full color would have been better I think, or at least consistent color throughout. The message is conflicted for me.
25 - sherstone - "slice of life"
This one works for LPS#4 & #5. Love the color and backlighting. Looks like some kind of high end market display trying to highlight their organic produce.
26 - eoren1 - Big Brother is Watching
Doesn't say artificial to me, I think because I expect a video wall to be artificial. The photo look like it would better illustrate a lack of freedom or privacy.
27 - sunione - Magic Mirror
The message I get is contrasts, or before and after, or old or young, that type of thing. I am not struck with artificial so much.
28 - Nikolai - The Oldest Trick In The Book
Also here, I get a before and after message, or undecided, or contrast.
29 - jwear - Hot
I love the color and richness, but it's saying fresh to me.
30 - seastack - Morning Fog
A vertical crop on the left would be more compelling I think. But the photo is saying new to me, fresh start, and even time for breakfast.
31 - JimW - Trixie
It doesn't get much more artificial than that hehehe. It was in my top ten.
32 - osoi - Off With Their Heads!
I like this photo, but it suffers a little in the execution. A more subtle B&W conversion to keep a similar contrast with the rest of the photo would visually flow better.
33 - Greensquared - Soil Sample
Slam dunk! The top of my top 10. Brilliant!
34 - Trish323 - Bath Junkie
It's bath time...what was the theme again?!?! I can't remember hehehe. There is nothing artificial about a rubber ducky in bath, they belong there! Put a croc in there, and we have a different story!
35 - LiquidAir - Incandescent
Loved this photo!
36 - Aurora - I Wish!
I have been to the Smithsonian and seen stone that big, so this just says big to me, or grand, or expensive, but not the contest theme.
37 - tsk1979 - Art'sea'fishial
Here too, I have seen some crazy drinking glasses in my time, so this doesn't hit the theme for me and relies too heavily on the title to carry it.
38 - thebigsky - Ready for Launch
I like the concept, but the fluff in front of the lens is detracting some from the enjoyment of the macro. But it does have a lot of mood and emotion to it. Would have been a stronger contender for an emotionally based theme.
39 - padu - untitled
Looks like there is too much detail, it is kind of a jumble and the eye wanders without being directed back effectively enough. The front of the photo looks to be off to the left and the camera is too far to the right in a suboptimal position.
40 - dlscott56 - Paper petal
It's a flower with a little bit of color. Doesn't really say the theme strongly one way or another and is kind of forgettable.
41 - Tentacion - Enter If You Dare......
The focus is off in a way that makes it look like an accident. Full color would have highlighted the artificiality of the lashes better I think.
42 - clovisguy - A.I
Very artificial, but not something I want to look at voluntarily hehehe
43 - photman - "Man Made - Chaos"
This says time passing, or hectic, or modern, but not the contest theme.
44 - amy wilburn - from the bowels of the earth he saunters forth
I don't see anything artificial about a cave, a person exploring it, and little to recommend organic.
45 - anwmn1 - Wild
Says captive to me, but not the contest theme.
46 - Omber - New Life in The Gloomy Forest
Says new life, spring, or contrast to me, but not the contest theme.
47 - Joel Delano - Someone to Watch Over Me
Clever, but the framing could be improved be getting lower and closer to the real snail.
48 - pyroPrints.com - Intelligent Design
Love it. You could crop a little tighter and not loose a thing.
49 - Nee7x7 - Measuring Your Life
Says altered states, or modern life, or necessary evils, but not the contest theme.
50 - b3nj4m - duck in the wild
Says action, but not the contest theme.
51 - mcgil - The Littleton Tulip
Feels off balance, do a vertical crop on the left side and see if it works better.
52 - fashiznitsngrins - Pepper Bouquet
Too tight, and has a stronger message of savory or spicy.
53 - ultravox - Evolution.
Awesome photo! But says danger, or loss, or abandonment.
54 - Ristyz - Offense & Defense - A Study of Raw Emotion
Someone is going to be hurting! I laughed when I saw this action photo, full of emotion and danger, but not the contest theme.
55 - imax - Organic Spring Harvest
Try not to use any of the theme words in your title.
56 - tlee - Living Color
Says sping, or new, and even a little bit of fresh, but not the contest theme.
57 - heatherfeather - Drinking Life
I think I saw a wider shot that included more of the mother. That second version was much more powerful as it included the context of the mother and had lovely framing. This one is so tight that it is a little hard to tell what is going on.
58 - Swartzy - Harmony in the Kitchen
Very funny and clever! The execution seemed a little off with the lighting, but I greatly enjoyed your photo!
59 - Dizzy - Gogh Digital
Very definitely artificial! It is not an enjoyable photo for me, but I think it does a great job of illustrating the theme!
60 - quark - tulip drizzle
Says fresh, spring, and a tad bit of organic, but not strongly enough.
61 - Ann McRae - Symbiotic
This is more about texture for me, but not the contest theme.
62 - shatch - He Had Fire in His Eyes
Very powerful, it hints at artificial, but I think if the eyes were a non human color, it would have even more impact and relevance.
63 - Desi - Free-range
I like the idea, but the facing of the "product" looks accidental. The "focus" of the image is highlighting the broken container more than the theme.
64 - nelsonstuff - Vegetation Protection
I have seen these and they are not out of the ordinary and don't seem artificial. If a real owl were nearby or the intended "prey" were seen ignoring the "owl" its artificiality would be highlighted. But by itself it it doesn't do enough for the theme.
65 - photogmomma - Spring has arrived
Says spring, growth, and a little bit of fresh, but not the contest theme.
66 - Flyinggina - Acquatic Ecosystem
This has a feeling of organic, but not strongly enough. It has a stronger message of stagnant than organic.
67 - amadeus - untitled
The message I get is technology, clean, or self portrait, but not the contest theme.
68 - scas - Call it what you want...
This says frustration, but not the contest theme.
69 - Seamus - the lame entry
Great action shot, dusty, but not the contest theme.
70 - VisualXpressions - Stubby's new tail
Funny shot! I just can't get past the color, exposure, and lack of pleasing contrast.
71 - JFreeman - Setting Lights During Tech Rehearsal for Dracula
I like the photo, but for me it doesn't hit the theme.
72 - Povertybarn - "New Inductee to the Gum Wall of Fame"
Well done, but could use some work to bring the multicolored gum to life.
73 - sser - GoGlow lights
Great concept, it just falls a little short around the head.
74 - jmearns - Iris
Says texture to me more than anything.
75 - annnna8888 - Neverending fields:
I can see this on a company brochure that touts how friendly they are to the environment. Says organic well to me. Could use a little more pop to compliment the colorful flowers.
76 - ChrisJ - My Last Shot?
I don't want to comment on photos that suggest suicide, sorry.
77 - indiegirl - From Scratch
I am torn on this one. I like it and it suggests organic somewhat but not strong enough. It has other messages that speak louder.
78 - GREAPER - Smooth As Silk
Nice still life, but I don't get the feeling of the theme from it. Fresh, new, clean mostly.
79 - JillG - Take The A Train
Says end of the line, but not the contest theme.
80 - Manfr3d - Mermaid
Feels artificial, but a bit difficult to place it.
81 - The Hobbyist - Unnatural surroundings
Says hot to me, bright, bored, captivity, but not the contest theme.
82 - akraptor - Money of Mermaids
Poorly executed, too dark, too tight, and out of focus.
83 - mwgrice - The Living Water
Says time passing, clean, but not the contest theme.
84 - alex - Aluminum Yucca
Totally artificial! The addition of the star trails helped. I liked it!
85 - speedracer04 - Metal Waves
Says technolgy, modern, and even artsy, but not the contest theme.
86 - Tooky - Beauty in chaos
Says springtime, contrast, , but not the contest theme.
87 - fmkjr - Artificial Comfort
If the bottle is not read, or the title, the photos theme suggests excess, illness, or out of control, but not the contest theme. It is clever, but relies too heavily on the title.
88 - cjkphoto - Organics in the spotlight
Says texture more strongly than the contest theme.
89 - Little Wombat - Nest
It just looks too junky
90 - Selina - In this aisle, you'll find..
This says organic and you could easily find this photo illustrating that concept
91 - Archangel - Pretty in Pink
Says sping, fresh, but not the contest theme.
92 - Speck26 - A Lion? In Monument Valley?!
It looks like a real lion, if it is fake, then it is not fake enough to make me think this is artificial.
93 - lynnesite - Cotton Candyland
Relies too heavily on the title. I don't see the theme at all.
94 - sunita - Of necessity
Better illustrates age than anything.
95 - davev - Spreading the Love.
Says spring more than anything.
96 - Dee - Time for a haircut
97 - arctic-moose - Deadly Sights
Poorly executed, dark, out of focus. It is hard to tell it is not a real bird.
98 - NanaMo - Not free range
If the coloring were better done it might have fared better. The red one ruins it for me though. The green one is much better.
99 - jillo - Quod Severis Metes
Says death, loss, age, but not the contest theme.
100 - evoryware - nice catch
Says decay more than organic. Artificial is lost on the other two stronger themes, but the combination of the three dilute the message too much.
I hope that shed a little light an at least one persons thoughts. How about you? What were some of your thoughts?
Post# - Photog - Title
3 - denika - Porcelain Romp
The framing and color seem at odds with what is being conveyed. It just didn't look good to me.
4 - s.shinjin - "GRASS GROW QUICK" ... cycle of life
The theme I get from the photo is "growing" or "youth" but not so much "organic". The framing seems a bit too tight.
5 - bgaras2001 - new life
This was striking when I first saw it.
6 - MaxThompson - Old Brings the Best Out in the New
The theme I get is home on the range, or springtime, or the contrast of old and new, but not the contest theme.
7 - Dusty Sensiba - Cactus Bloom
Looks like you were a week or so early for LPS#5! Doesn't hit the theme for me.
8 - doublemeat - Cliffside
It says cliffs to me or maybe vertigo, but doesn't hit the contest theme for me.
9 - Annie222 - Our Princess
I liked this one, and it made my first round, but lost out to stronger pics. You might consider a 10:4 pano crop on the eyes, that might drive the point home better.
10 - richtersl - I Just Want to be Human
Very powerful image, and great choice in going B&W! Loved it.
11 - dance444ever - Life on Earth
Says fresh to me, or refreshing, or cool. But not the contest theme.
12 - Sydnie&Adison - Splenda
Sorry to say, but this looks very poorly executed and too obvious in concept.
13 - PaulThomasMcKee - Is it Live - or Is it..."Silk-orex"?
I loved the title, but the image falls a little flat for me. Too much out of focus yellow and barely enough detail to compliment the title.
14 - urbanaries - fait accompli
This made me laugh, and it was in my top ten.
15 - DRabbit - Puberty in the New Millenium
Powerful image, it was in my top ten. The color balance was a mild turn off, but it felt in keeping with the spirit of the photo. B&W maybe?
16 - Dalantech - Frozen in Time
Very striking image, I do like it, but for me it didn't say organic. I think I like it better rotated 90 deg CCW.
17 - pemmett - Toad in the Hole (Hole 16, Par 4)
It says interloper more than organic.
18 - kingmamaof2 - I Saw Her Move
Powerful love the crop and color.
19 - chertioga - die to live
Says death or dying to me. The framing and background are a bit lackluster too.
20 - vandana - "Farm fresh"
Says fresh to me. And the apparent reflected image of a hand is an interesting effect, but confuses the message for me.
21 - wildviper - Dying it Red!
The liquid doesn't look fresh. It would be more impactful with a neutral or contrast in colored liquid/glass. As is it looks like the shot was taken on take #3 or so.
22 - douglas - Windowless Room
Clever idea, but it suffers from looking like a rushed job. Too much blank wall, maybe try a vertical crop to get rid of the blank sides.
23 - love - Botanical Specimen
Says exotic to me, maybe tropical, and kind of looks like I am only seeing the backside of the plant. Also looks like the photographers shadow is inadvertently in the shot.
24 - Tessa HD - New Skin
Full color would have been better I think, or at least consistent color throughout. The message is conflicted for me.
25 - sherstone - "slice of life"
This one works for LPS#4 & #5. Love the color and backlighting. Looks like some kind of high end market display trying to highlight their organic produce.
26 - eoren1 - Big Brother is Watching
Doesn't say artificial to me, I think because I expect a video wall to be artificial. The photo look like it would better illustrate a lack of freedom or privacy.
27 - sunione - Magic Mirror
The message I get is contrasts, or before and after, or old or young, that type of thing. I am not struck with artificial so much.
28 - Nikolai - The Oldest Trick In The Book
Also here, I get a before and after message, or undecided, or contrast.
29 - jwear - Hot
I love the color and richness, but it's saying fresh to me.
30 - seastack - Morning Fog
A vertical crop on the left would be more compelling I think. But the photo is saying new to me, fresh start, and even time for breakfast.
31 - JimW - Trixie
It doesn't get much more artificial than that hehehe. It was in my top ten.
32 - osoi - Off With Their Heads!
I like this photo, but it suffers a little in the execution. A more subtle B&W conversion to keep a similar contrast with the rest of the photo would visually flow better.
33 - Greensquared - Soil Sample
Slam dunk! The top of my top 10. Brilliant!
34 - Trish323 - Bath Junkie
It's bath time...what was the theme again?!?! I can't remember hehehe. There is nothing artificial about a rubber ducky in bath, they belong there! Put a croc in there, and we have a different story!
35 - LiquidAir - Incandescent
Loved this photo!
36 - Aurora - I Wish!
I have been to the Smithsonian and seen stone that big, so this just says big to me, or grand, or expensive, but not the contest theme.
37 - tsk1979 - Art'sea'fishial
Here too, I have seen some crazy drinking glasses in my time, so this doesn't hit the theme for me and relies too heavily on the title to carry it.
38 - thebigsky - Ready for Launch
I like the concept, but the fluff in front of the lens is detracting some from the enjoyment of the macro. But it does have a lot of mood and emotion to it. Would have been a stronger contender for an emotionally based theme.
39 - padu - untitled
Looks like there is too much detail, it is kind of a jumble and the eye wanders without being directed back effectively enough. The front of the photo looks to be off to the left and the camera is too far to the right in a suboptimal position.
40 - dlscott56 - Paper petal
It's a flower with a little bit of color. Doesn't really say the theme strongly one way or another and is kind of forgettable.
41 - Tentacion - Enter If You Dare......
The focus is off in a way that makes it look like an accident. Full color would have highlighted the artificiality of the lashes better I think.
42 - clovisguy - A.I
Very artificial, but not something I want to look at voluntarily hehehe
43 - photman - "Man Made - Chaos"
This says time passing, or hectic, or modern, but not the contest theme.
44 - amy wilburn - from the bowels of the earth he saunters forth
I don't see anything artificial about a cave, a person exploring it, and little to recommend organic.
45 - anwmn1 - Wild
Says captive to me, but not the contest theme.
46 - Omber - New Life in The Gloomy Forest
Says new life, spring, or contrast to me, but not the contest theme.
47 - Joel Delano - Someone to Watch Over Me
Clever, but the framing could be improved be getting lower and closer to the real snail.
48 - pyroPrints.com - Intelligent Design
Love it. You could crop a little tighter and not loose a thing.
49 - Nee7x7 - Measuring Your Life
Says altered states, or modern life, or necessary evils, but not the contest theme.
50 - b3nj4m - duck in the wild
Says action, but not the contest theme.
51 - mcgil - The Littleton Tulip
Feels off balance, do a vertical crop on the left side and see if it works better.
52 - fashiznitsngrins - Pepper Bouquet
Too tight, and has a stronger message of savory or spicy.
53 - ultravox - Evolution.
Awesome photo! But says danger, or loss, or abandonment.
54 - Ristyz - Offense & Defense - A Study of Raw Emotion
Someone is going to be hurting! I laughed when I saw this action photo, full of emotion and danger, but not the contest theme.
55 - imax - Organic Spring Harvest
Try not to use any of the theme words in your title.
56 - tlee - Living Color
Says sping, or new, and even a little bit of fresh, but not the contest theme.
57 - heatherfeather - Drinking Life
I think I saw a wider shot that included more of the mother. That second version was much more powerful as it included the context of the mother and had lovely framing. This one is so tight that it is a little hard to tell what is going on.
58 - Swartzy - Harmony in the Kitchen
Very funny and clever! The execution seemed a little off with the lighting, but I greatly enjoyed your photo!
59 - Dizzy - Gogh Digital
Very definitely artificial! It is not an enjoyable photo for me, but I think it does a great job of illustrating the theme!
60 - quark - tulip drizzle
Says fresh, spring, and a tad bit of organic, but not strongly enough.
61 - Ann McRae - Symbiotic
This is more about texture for me, but not the contest theme.
62 - shatch - He Had Fire in His Eyes
Very powerful, it hints at artificial, but I think if the eyes were a non human color, it would have even more impact and relevance.
63 - Desi - Free-range
I like the idea, but the facing of the "product" looks accidental. The "focus" of the image is highlighting the broken container more than the theme.
64 - nelsonstuff - Vegetation Protection
I have seen these and they are not out of the ordinary and don't seem artificial. If a real owl were nearby or the intended "prey" were seen ignoring the "owl" its artificiality would be highlighted. But by itself it it doesn't do enough for the theme.
65 - photogmomma - Spring has arrived
Says spring, growth, and a little bit of fresh, but not the contest theme.
66 - Flyinggina - Acquatic Ecosystem
This has a feeling of organic, but not strongly enough. It has a stronger message of stagnant than organic.
67 - amadeus - untitled
The message I get is technology, clean, or self portrait, but not the contest theme.
68 - scas - Call it what you want...
This says frustration, but not the contest theme.
69 - Seamus - the lame entry
Great action shot, dusty, but not the contest theme.
70 - VisualXpressions - Stubby's new tail
Funny shot! I just can't get past the color, exposure, and lack of pleasing contrast.
71 - JFreeman - Setting Lights During Tech Rehearsal for Dracula
I like the photo, but for me it doesn't hit the theme.
72 - Povertybarn - "New Inductee to the Gum Wall of Fame"
Well done, but could use some work to bring the multicolored gum to life.
73 - sser - GoGlow lights
Great concept, it just falls a little short around the head.
74 - jmearns - Iris
Says texture to me more than anything.
75 - annnna8888 - Neverending fields:
I can see this on a company brochure that touts how friendly they are to the environment. Says organic well to me. Could use a little more pop to compliment the colorful flowers.
76 - ChrisJ - My Last Shot?
I don't want to comment on photos that suggest suicide, sorry.
77 - indiegirl - From Scratch
I am torn on this one. I like it and it suggests organic somewhat but not strong enough. It has other messages that speak louder.
78 - GREAPER - Smooth As Silk
Nice still life, but I don't get the feeling of the theme from it. Fresh, new, clean mostly.
79 - JillG - Take The A Train
Says end of the line, but not the contest theme.
80 - Manfr3d - Mermaid
Feels artificial, but a bit difficult to place it.
81 - The Hobbyist - Unnatural surroundings
Says hot to me, bright, bored, captivity, but not the contest theme.
82 - akraptor - Money of Mermaids
Poorly executed, too dark, too tight, and out of focus.
83 - mwgrice - The Living Water
Says time passing, clean, but not the contest theme.
84 - alex - Aluminum Yucca
Totally artificial! The addition of the star trails helped. I liked it!
85 - speedracer04 - Metal Waves
Says technolgy, modern, and even artsy, but not the contest theme.
86 - Tooky - Beauty in chaos
Says springtime, contrast, , but not the contest theme.
87 - fmkjr - Artificial Comfort
If the bottle is not read, or the title, the photos theme suggests excess, illness, or out of control, but not the contest theme. It is clever, but relies too heavily on the title.
88 - cjkphoto - Organics in the spotlight
Says texture more strongly than the contest theme.
89 - Little Wombat - Nest
It just looks too junky
90 - Selina - In this aisle, you'll find..
This says organic and you could easily find this photo illustrating that concept
91 - Archangel - Pretty in Pink
Says sping, fresh, but not the contest theme.
92 - Speck26 - A Lion? In Monument Valley?!
It looks like a real lion, if it is fake, then it is not fake enough to make me think this is artificial.
93 - lynnesite - Cotton Candyland
Relies too heavily on the title. I don't see the theme at all.
94 - sunita - Of necessity
Better illustrates age than anything.
95 - davev - Spreading the Love.
Says spring more than anything.
96 - Dee - Time for a haircut
97 - arctic-moose - Deadly Sights
Poorly executed, dark, out of focus. It is hard to tell it is not a real bird.
98 - NanaMo - Not free range
If the coloring were better done it might have fared better. The red one ruins it for me though. The green one is much better.
99 - jillo - Quod Severis Metes
Says death, loss, age, but not the contest theme.
100 - evoryware - nice catch
Says decay more than organic. Artificial is lost on the other two stronger themes, but the combination of the three dilute the message too much.
I hope that shed a little light an at least one persons thoughts. How about you? What were some of your thoughts?
Creator of Dgrin's "Last Photographer Standing" contest
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Thank very much you for your time, much appreciated!
Very, very cool Shay! I can only imagine how much time and thought you put into this feedback. I hope you know how much it is appreciated and how much it helps! I read them all. It really makes me think and try harder all the time...
Guess now its the last qualifier for this season!
I need to think more.
I should have stuck to the original image rather than merging !
Sometimes too much PS = Bad!
Site :http://www.tanveer.in
Blog :http://tsk1979.livejournal.com
Your comment on my photo meant a lot to me, thanks!!
Just one question, though,
This is an awesome forum and I so appreciate everyone who has obviously put their hearts, thoughts and many, many waking hours into it!
THANK YOU SHAY! It means a lot to me that I made it into YOUR top ten
I had a hard time choosing between the color and B&W and ended up going with the color because of the "medical" type tones (and the uncomfortable feeling I was hoping it portrayed). Of course, when I didn't qualify I ultimately wondered if B&W would have been more eye-catching to the judges. Here's the B&W version for ya:
Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.
The Dang Gallery on DangRabbit - Follow me on Twitter or on Facebook
Leica M8: Zeiss 35mm f/2 Biogon and 50mm f/2 Planar; Voigtlander 15mm f/4.5, 50mm f/1.5 Nokton and 75mm f/2.5 Heliar
Olympus E-P1: Zuiko 14-42 and 25mm f/2.8 Pancake; Panasonic 45-200mm and 20mm f/1.7; and M-to-m4/3 adaptor
Olympus e620: Zuiko 14-54 f/2.8-3.5
Awesome news! Thanks for sharing, shay. It is such a frustrating but worthwhile process to keep pushing....trying to be that much better next time. now, if you'll excuse me, i'm going to go eat my wooden shrimp for breakfast
50mm 1.4, 85mm 1.8, 24-70 2.8L, 35mm 1.4L, 135mm f2L
ST-E2 Transmitter + (3) 580 EXII + radio poppers
I appreciate you making such a huge effort to give your opinion on all the entries. You really meant it about this being a learning experience! Thank you.
No additional comments, though I do have a question: can I ask you for some critique BEFORE I submit my future entries?! hehehe Just kidding, you don't have to answer that! I enjoyed your critiques immensely, thank you for taking the time.
This summer's wilderness photography project: www.tessa-hd.smugmug.com/gallery/3172341
The work you and all the other volunteer judges and moderators and any other organizers that live behind the scenes and make this whole contest possible is amazing!
To have feedback not only for your own entry but others is absolutely priceless.
VERY MUCH appreciated.
Thank You!
The qualifying rounds are the best place to fail. And that failure can teach more than getting feedback ahead of time that postpones the failure.
That is one of the main reasons the judges are instructed not to give feedback before the results are announced. You have to let people fail so they can learn more from their failures than they ever could from their successes.
It hurts, true, but time heals all wounds!
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Thanks for the feedback - the lion is very real as was the shoot - the artificial part is that there are no wild lions in the US... hence, this is an artificial shot, a set up.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know." Diane Arbus
Yes there are, you took a picture of one hahahaha
Oh, and according to the movie Madagascar, there are lions even in NYC...or at least there were at one point
"Failure is feedback. And feedback is the breakfast of champions." - fortune cookie
Oy Vey! You are incorrigible.
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know." Diane Arbus
I sort of posted the "Dark" "Enter if You Dare" and it was a reflection of my mood at the time of posting, which of course you are aware of my reasons..lol The selective focus was not an accident, my sentiments were not in focus too much when I posted my choice.
Take care, and thanks for the Constructive Critique.
[SIZE=-1]It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice. - John Lennon.[/SIZE]
Thanks for the feedback! :cool
Looking for tips on macro photography? Check out my Blog: No Cropping Zone.
Your feedback is most appreciated. I know it takes a lot of time and effort to moderate in addition to being a judge and providing individual feedback on so many photos...oh and I'm sure your day job and family have requirements also.
Thanks again!!!
Some of My Photos: app.electrikfolio.com/v/steven-hatch
Thanks again! It's also nice to know that you saw similar things in my shot that I did. Helpful.
I agree with your comments about mine and totally agree. This was a BIG challenge!
However, y'all are really making us stretch our imaginations and talents, thanks for that!!
"Each day comes bearing its own gifts. Untie the ribbons."
----Ruth Ann Schubacker