I see no sharps... (of ships and sharpening)

well, not ship at all really just shaprening...
I get it that SM will do the sharpening expertly if I upload unsharpened, and this sounds like the best option for getting the best prints ... but what about when people view the unsharpened pics, won't they look... not sharp?
I expect that, as usual, I am just worrying too much.. but Oh my poor brain.. to sharpen or not to sharpen.. that is the question..
The reason I ask is that I am plannig to redo ALL the pics I really like and to redo them much better now that I have learned a bit more about photoshop and to upload them again and generally reorganise, I've decided that 2007 is the year I will get at least one sale!:rofl
So I am trying to understand everything before I go off and make loads of changes and later have to do tem all again...
I get it that SM will do the sharpening expertly if I upload unsharpened, and this sounds like the best option for getting the best prints ... but what about when people view the unsharpened pics, won't they look... not sharp?
I expect that, as usual, I am just worrying too much.. but Oh my poor brain.. to sharpen or not to sharpen.. that is the question..
The reason I ask is that I am plannig to redo ALL the pics I really like and to redo them much better now that I have learned a bit more about photoshop and to upload them again and generally reorganise, I've decided that 2007 is the year I will get at least one sale!:rofl
So I am trying to understand everything before I go off and make loads of changes and later have to do tem all again...
See also: http://www.smugmug.com/help/display-quality
Redoing all your pics, huhh? Why not set a proof delay, and only do the ones that are ordered?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
So if I understand correctly - as long as I disable 'original' in all te aglleries then every displayed and printed derivative will be sharpened by SM anyway so no one would see the unsharpened full sized pics ?
In such case the only ting I would need to sharpen is digital downloads?
can you set proof delay on digital downloads?
I don't tink I would do it on any other pics as it takes me too long to do really