What to charge to shoot an event?

I have been solicited to shoot a corporate event here in the SF Bay Area, mainly of the speakers and then candids afterwards, but not sure what to charge. This is my first paying corporate event.
Can anyone help? I have no idea what their budget is, and dont want to overcharge...
Can anyone help? I have no idea what their budget is, and dont want to overcharge...
I won't sell out even if the whole world think's I'm crazy.
You should check out this thread and the book listed in it http://www.dgrin.com/showthread.php?t=19381.
This is a very subjective thing. Basically figure out how long it's going to take you (shooting, driving, processing, etc), then decide what your time is worth hourly. That should give you a basic starting price and then work from there on print pricing etc.
What Gary said...
I usually go about $100/hr shooting/processing, $50/hr for driving if outside my "coverage zone". Please note that on the event of your type (wild difference in lighting, many different subjects, etc), I'd count at least 2 hr of post processing for each 1 hr of shooting. So, if the event lasts, say, 4 hours, and it's within a reasonable driving distance, I'd go about $100 * 4 * 3 = $1,200. I'd come out with with a gallery of ~200..400 pictures. If they want, I would also give them an option to prepay a set of 4x6 at a much lower price, say about $1/print, thus making the total ~$1,500 (additional pictures can be purchased online within X days, X being 10, 14 or whatever).
Thanks guys for the info. Very helpful. Will order the book this weekend.