My Pantone Huey arrived today

Here are the first 30 minutes worth of experience...
- Package is clean, nice-looking and easy to open (no blister pack!):thumb
- Package contains the device, the craddle, the USB extension cable, the s/w CD, a couple of cleaner pads and the 6-step quick start guide.
[rant]Quick Start guide would be some much better if they produced it in one page for language, not all languages for each step [/rant] - Installer: reminded me of my Win 3.1/Win 95 days. Full screen, blue thingie... Come on, Pantone, it 2007, not 1987...
And, as I startd to expect from the very start when I saw s/w version "1.0", it required a system restart. :huh - OK, restarted, got the tray app, clicked it, started the configuration app.
- The main screen came with the suggestion to register and to update the s/w. I decided to skip the registration and check the updates. Guess what: you have to register to get the updates... :puke
- OK, started to register, only to find out 5 minutes later that my email I used when purchasing the product online already made me a "pantone member" whatever that is...:huh
- Finally got the update to v.1.05.
- Started to install the update. It stopped twice with errors, apparently not being able to shut down its own main or tray apps... :scratch
At least installer was more like MSI-type...:thumb - But of course, another restart :puke
- Not all other apps started, had to restart the 3d time :puke
- Finally, all systems on, got the calibration software working. Difference before/after is *very* minor (I have Dell 2005 FPW, which is not a bad monitor at all), but the device sure looks cool. :wink
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Well, one thing it really does is the adjustment according to the ambient light change. Very neat!
Canon EOS 20D
Teddy Roosevelt Revised: "Walk softly and carry a big lens."
Installed very easily -- but, then, I have a Mac.
I too, did not see much difference after calibration, perhaps a little warmer.
The only problem I had was with the light adjustment. It adjusted the monitor (I work both during the day and late at night, during the day I have a lot of light). I got an e-mail from a client complaining about the photos I had adjusted that evening. I realized they were way too contrasty. I had been unaware of the "monitor adjusting." It really messed me up, and I had to spend over an hour correcting the photos. I finally gave up on the light adjusting feature and turned it off. I guess my light is just too extreme. My home office window faces west and the wall behind me is white.
The best thing was seeing that my monitor was pretty well calibrated to begin with :-) Believe it or not, that was worth a lot to me!