Charges for photos
Well, I was going to sign up for Smugmug, and I thought the 29.99 initial charge was reasonable. Then I read about the 15% deduction from sales and worse, the fact Smugmug keeps your money till it accumulates to 500 bucks or more and then only sends out checks once a month. What photographer can afford to have his money tied up like that? To me it's an insane arrangement that only benefits Smugmug and smacks of arrogance and extreme corporate greed. I'm aware I can go elsewhere, and have. I'm just amazed anyone would allow themselves to be shafted in such an extreme fashion. If I wanted to get a monthly paycheck I'd get a real job, not be a self employed photographer. All the other sites I use, you simply load the image, and pay the fee, and it's done. I get my money, the site or processor gets the money they charge and it's all done, we get paid right away, the way it should be done. The only advantage to the payment set up here is to Smugmug. Getting the interest on the float has to be huge.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Define "real" photographer. I make a living selling prints. I also know what credit card fees cost since I am a merchant. The average cost for a business the size of Smugmug is 2% MAXIMUM. Small timers like me pay up to 5%. If this is the kind of response I'm to get to a serious question, I see this is not only not the site for me, but not a forum I want to participate in. Also there is no reason for me to wait for any amount of money. I both need and deserve my money immediately. If a site like Sumgmug was providing me a free service, well, they may have a leg to stand on for keeping a percentage and charging me at the same time. When I pay them however, they should provide me with service.
Enjoy the company of the "real" photographers here, my dear boy. I won't be back.
I have no vested interest in either smugmug or dgrin...just a very satisfied customer and volunteer.
I hope you reconsider.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
Just a thought.
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
fred, sorry you are taking this so personally. it's a forum
* billing
* collecting
* sending the print order to ezprints
* fulfillment
* customer service (a print isn't right? they handle it, not me)
and if you take the time, to read carefully, the terms on the help section, you can see that money of any amount will be paid out upon request..
you can read it all here
now, gut it up, rethink this, and maybe, just maybe, you can actually learn something here at dgrin...
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Dear Fred,
Frankly I don't understand why you even bothered
Obviously, you need to take your business elsewhere. Smugmug is just a nasty rotten greedy faceless corporate entity preying upon the unsuspecting professional print seller :uhoh . Imagine the gall of charging 15%! And on top of that making you 'wait' for 'your' money. :cry
You really should consider the Flea Market circuit and doing your own prints and framing. You can charge whatever you like and you can only accept cash payment. Totally eliminate the middle man and give yourself full control
For a lowly dawg like me, I'll happily give Smugmug INC. my $100, upload an unlimited amount of photos and GALDLY turn over 15% of *my* money. Why? Let's see...
I don't have to print anything.
I don't have to mail anything.
I don't have to get involved with handling the money.
I don't have to track my transactions.
I don't have to maintain my own website.
I don't have to pay server fees.
I don't have to *do* anything but process my shots, upload them, and set the pricing.
I GET great support, almost immediately.
I GET great stability, and haven't lost a picture yet.
I GET a nice layout, interface, cobranding, etc. etc. etc. ALL without even having a CLUE.
I get the advice and support of great Photographers here at dgrin, which makes me feel all warm and fuzzy like a good cherry fire on a sub-zero night.
there's more, but I've got some pitchas' to upload
In closing, I for one hope you don't return, unless you have an apology in hand-
BOLD makes the letters pop OUT like that I think.
Thanks Cletus for the arrow trick...
It pays to read EVERY thread here at Dgrin