New Thread....Old Topic, I'm Having Upload Problems Too

First let me state, I'm not very computer literate. Get too technical and you're going to see me staring into the headlights of a car.:scratch
I'm on a Mac, 10.3.9 version, use the installed iPhoto and use SmugMug's 1.0v uploader. I normally try and upload several hundred photos at a time. On the last upload I'm getting a lot photos that won't take, maybe 20%. At the end of the session the prompt says that no gallery was found?
I've had problems in the past with slow uploads, but never sporadically not loading images. I rechecked my upload speed and it's hovering around 600 kbps, which is about as good as I get. I'm also on a wireless ISP.
I'm on a Mac, 10.3.9 version, use the installed iPhoto and use SmugMug's 1.0v uploader. I normally try and upload several hundred photos at a time. On the last upload I'm getting a lot photos that won't take, maybe 20%. At the end of the session the prompt says that no gallery was found?
I've had problems in the past with slow uploads, but never sporadically not loading images. I rechecked my upload speed and it's hovering around 600 kbps, which is about as good as I get. I'm also on a wireless ISP.
Sorry to hear you are having problems uploading!
First thing to check is to make sure your photos fit within the size and support files requirements:
Also, wireless ISP's can sometimes be a bit sporadic with connections. Would you mind running a tacert for us?
To run a traceroute on a Mac, open Finder. Then open Applications>Utilities>Network Utility. Then click on the Traceroute tab. When that opens, type in Copy and paste the results to us here.
EDIT: Per the messages below, please let us know if your problem is resolved now. Thx!
Smug since 2006
SmugMug Help
Experienced user. Today, uploads not working. Tried IE Uploaded, and Universal on both IE and Firefox. All said zero uploaded or 5 out of 5 files had errors. Galleries not reflecting (failed) uploads - then suddenly showing tons of processing files... Anyone else ? too.
Comments and constructive critique always welcome!
Elaine Heasley Photography
Yes, uploads fixed. Thanks!
Here is the traceroute result:
Traceroute has started ...
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 ip ( 32.992 ms 18.236 ms 12.826 ms
2 ip ( 18.675 ms 18.882 ms 15.8 ms
3 ip ( 13.479 ms 10.804 ms 16.295 ms
4 ( 27.095 ms 29.538 ms 21.727 ms
5 ( 38.239 ms 33.232 ms 35.981 ms
6 ( 37.579 ms 28.556 ms 36.598 ms
7 ( 32.242 ms 31.279 ms 29.885 ms
8 ( 35.035 ms 45.079 ms 33.059 ms
9 ( 29.503 ms 31.18 ms 30.348 ms
10 ( 29.34 ms 29.466 ms 30.676 ms
11 ( 93.52 ms 92.318 ms 90.346 ms
12 ( 95.879 ms 95.694 ms 120.335 ms
13 ( 100.478 ms 98.632 ms 95.227 ms
Ouch, we're sorry to hear about the uploading problems. It's a shame you have to use a wireless ISP, but that traceroute didn't look all that bad to me.
Can you upload via the standard, olde-faithful one-at-a-time uploader? If you can try, we'd appreciate it because it would remove the possibility of something gone afoul with the Mac uploader. Just click the add photos button above any gallery when you're logged in, then choose the Olde Faithful uploader (if a different one comes up, look for the link that says "choose another uploader.")
There was about a 45-minute window where no photos were processing, from 11:27 to 12:15 Calfornia time. The first thing we did was fix the processing so new ones got processed, and now we're working through the ones that never made it (about 16,000 images). I noticed a couple of my old ones are now processed. Hopefully yours will be soon.
I hope this helps.
Thanks so much for the update. As of now (midnight eastern time) it seems that all of mine are now processed. All is good.