30D remote options
I recently upgraded from a 400D to a 30D but am dissappointed to discover there is no cheap wireless shutter release option like the 400D has (IR). I may get one of the two wired remotes/timers because the wireless option looks way more pro than I thought I needed. $20 to $400 is a big jump just to trigger the shutter without a cable: http://www.amazon.com/Canon-Wireless-Controller-Digital-Cameras/dp/B0007WK8LM/ref=pd_bbs_sr_3/103-8857225-7698216?ie=UTF8&s=electronics&qid=1178480031&sr=8-3
Had anybody used the Adorama $99 remote?
Had anybody used the Adorama $99 remote?
Hey Gus...is that thing still working?
Nearly all come from china & are exactly the same.
Yeah, I have one of those too. It feels as if it could disintegrate any moment, but after about a year of use, it is working just fine. But that's the cable release. I was thinking about the wireless unit. Do they come from the same place?
Pindy, the Adorama release is the same found for about half that price (after shipping from Hong Kong) on eBay ... search using these exact words, without the quotes " wireless release 30D " . I'm prety sure that is what Gus and rsinmadrid are referring to. It works well and does the job.
Nam et ipsa scientia potestas est.