Download stats of originals?
I have a sub-category with 44 galleries in it that has been up for about a month and a half. I would like to know how many original-sized images have been downloaded across those 44 galleries since I put it up.
Any ideas on how I would answer that question?
Any ideas on how I would answer that question?
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original views there was.
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Views and downloads of originals are the same thing to me. I want to know how many times original-sized images have been accessed in 44 galleries over the last 45 days since the galleries went up. Any idea how to do that?
The Smugmug stats page is fine when you have 20 galleries all with unique names and you only want to see one calendar month and you're willing to manually add statistics together yourself.
But as soon as you have several hundred galleries, many with names that don't uniquely describe the gallery without also knowing the category and sub-category, and you want some time period other than a calendar month and you want data that Statcounter or Google Analystics can't capture then Smugmug's stats page is really pretty useless and frankly doesn't live up to the standards set elsewhere in the site.
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I'm sorry I do not have a better answer for you.
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I have to echo John's comment. Please have your product manager join and take a look at how their statistics work. Much more professional and useful to a serious user of smugmug, even if they don't have a data dump option. At least you have not only total counts, but counts of comments and favorite flagging.
Statcounter is a very nice supplemental information source -- particularly for finding out what search terms were used. But having to translate image numbers to images is a real pain, and clicking on them only distorts the stats (oh, you can block it on your machine, at least if you don't have script blockers in place, speaking of which, I suspect I'm missing hits because people like me who browse with firefox and no-script).
But even if I purchased a full license to statcounter so I could get totals, I'd much rather have an alphabetical listing of my galleries with the stats next to each one that I can quickly scroll through and find what I'm looking for.
(beating the horse, hoping it's not dead)
Brandon Smith
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