NPR: Photographer Reflects on Jazz Giants, Storm Losses

StevenVStevenV Registered Users Posts: 1,174 Major grins
edited May 9, 2007 in The Big Picture
All Things Considered, May 7, 2007 · Photographer Herman Leonard, 84, captured jazz giants like Billie Holiday and Miles Davis on film as they worked in smoky, cramped, late-night clubs. But he almost lost his amazing collection to Hurricane Katrina. ...


  • JimWJimW Registered Users Posts: 333 Major grins
    edited May 8, 2007
    Steven, I saw this story on tv recently, and it was both fascinating and sad. We all lost a significant part of our history when all his beautiful fiber prints were ruined. These images are such a tremendous record of jazz, an art form that Americans can truly call our own. Unfortunately, jazz music gets lost these days among the noise. What a waste. I'm only aware of one full time (earthbound) jazz radio station remaining in the U.S. The rest have switched over to all talk etc.

    His photos are a treasure trove of moments that are gone forever. I often relate a photo to a jazz song, and vice versa. Especially when I see a b&w image, it will remind me of a certain song, or a certain musician.

    There's a scholar named Gerald Early, who has said: "I think there are only three things that America will be known for 2,000 years from now when they study this civilization: the Constitution, jazz music and baseball. They're the three most beautifully designed things this culture has ever produced."

    That sounds about right. Thanks for posting the link.

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    I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap.
  • claudermilkclaudermilk Registered Users Posts: 2,756 Major grins
    edited May 9, 2007
    Yikes. I keep hearing about more stuff lost in that hurricane. I know Jazz & it's history took a huge hit (heck, we almost lost BB King in it from what I understand :wow). At least he was able to save all the negatives.

    Yeah, it sucks there's almost no Jazz on the radio any more. I am thankful that KJAZZ is local to me--I listen to it all day & am a subscriber, so am doing my part. I thought there was a sister station still in NY, is that one gone now? I remember the dueling fund drives a couple of years ago, those were fun. On a happier note, they do keep giving us stories of the success of local schools in spreading Jazz, there's apparently some VERY good school-based bands, so kids are discovering Jazz again. thumb.gif
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