Gallery setting question

I looked and looked but could not figure out how to do this!
When I open a gallery in smugmug style (Thumbs on left, and selected image shows on right) the large version of the currently selected thumb is in S size. Earlier it used to me in M size. Is it possible that in smugmug style you have the selected image showing up in M size, or even better in L size?
When I open a gallery in smugmug style (Thumbs on left, and selected image shows on right) the large version of the currently selected thumb is in S size. Earlier it used to me in M size. Is it possible that in smugmug style you have the selected image showing up in M size, or even better in L size?
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In Smugmug style, the main image auto-sizes to fit your window size. So, first of all, make sure you have a large enough window size to show the main image in a larger size. If that still doesn't make the main image grow, then I've seen it get stuck on the small size before (some kind of Smugmug or browser bug - I don't know). For me, I've been able to get it unstuck by picking a different style (like all thumbs) and then coming back to the Smugmug style and then it picks the right size for the main image.
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There are two smugmug styles, SmugMug and SmugMug small.
They look the same, except for that SmugMug small uses 9 thumbs on the left and uses a Small image on the right side, and SmugMug uses 15 thumbs on the left and uses a Medium image on the right.
The switch between SmugMug and SmugMug small is automagically done, based on viewport size.
I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions. & smugmug
I changed the browser window size, and it worked.
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