non-US dates?

some versions of VB have an option to specify how you'd like the dates to appear, i'd like to see them in a logical fashion such as dd-mm-yy or yyyy-mm-dd, or at the very least display the text for the month rather than the number.
Bring it on One Thumb !!!
Having grown up with the US standard, I can tell you that it seems perfectly normal to Americans. It's a matter of what you're used to. Of course, Americans are also used to pounds, yards, quarts and a bunch of other measures that make no sense to metric standard users. I use yy-mm-dd for indexing my pics because computers will naturally sort them in chronological order, but despite having lived in Europe for 20 years I still find the dd-mm-yy format unnatural.
So it goes.
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More irritating however is the increasingly widespread use of the word 'bring' instead of 'take,' arggh, that really grates
Bless us all and our cultural differences, the world would be a dull place without them.
and in honour of our ability to make a difference, i say ask not what Dgrin can do for you, ask what you can do for Dgrin.