integrating Keywords into a page

I know that appending 'keyword' to a site lists the keywords.
Is there anyway to incorporate the keywords display into a page with other stuff ?
Similar to the search term ?
Is there anyway to incorporate the keywords display into a page with other stuff ?
Similar to the search term ?
BTW, I like the wide format on your site.
LSV Photos ? Thanks. I figured there was only 5% of surfers using 800x600 so I sized the site for 1024 wide.
It's nothing more than devbobo's sub-page hack.
This will put the keyword list and the date search on the same page.
Enable the keyword and date search boxes to be viewed on the homepage.
In the JS section:
function hasPath(sPath)
re = new RegExp("\/" + sPath + "(\/|$)");
return re.test(window.location)
In your footer above the slideshow code:
<*script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"*>
if (hasPath("find"))
YD.addClass(document.body, "find");
Remove *'s
In the css section
.homepage #datesBox {display: none;}
.homepage #keywordsBox {display: none;}
.find #datesBox {display: block;}
.find #keywordsBox {display: block;}
.find #bioBox {display: none;}
If you want to add SMUGSEARCH to the page. Place <div id="mySearch">SMUGSEARCH</div> as the last line in your header section. Add this to the css section:
.homepage #mySearch {display: none;}
.find #mySearch {display: block;}
!important may be needed in the css.
To access this page:
See how it works out. Yell back if you need anything....
and there's nothing there.
Do I have to add any html to the description or something ?
Thanks for your help.
If so, click show so they are on the homepage.
Also you will need to put .homepage #bioBox {display: block;} in the css to bring the slideshow back up on the homepage.
.homepage .boxBottom {display:none;}
to this:
#categoriesBox {display: none;}
Thanks again for all your help
I tried this but it didnt work. It wouldnt leave the slideshow when I clicked on Search. Also, couldnt get onto the gallery page.
Is there another way to do it? Or should I try this code again and tweak around with it?
Thats great! This is exactly what Im after.. except with maybe less keywords.
Can you show me how to do it please?
This page is exactly what I need. I followed this thread, but the links to the code and another sample were no longer correct.
I suspect there must be another thread with how to do this, but I haven't been able to find it.
I'd sure appreciate help.
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