Exif appears in Caption

I've asked about this once before, but got no help, so here I am asking again. I get this really annoying EXIF info that pops up whenever I hover over a pic of mine. In my customization, I have placed a radio button on don't shot camera info, but it's still there. Help!?
Can you make us a screengrab of what you are seeing? I don't think I'm seeing what you are seeing.
Also, can you provide a direct link to one of your galleries where you are seeing this problem?
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
ok, here's a link to one of my galleries and screen grab t. Your help is appreciated!
The 'floaty' with all the information, is not always specifically EXIF data, but is the caption of your photos.
It's the same problem/solution as described here:
The software that you are using is adding the EXIF data to the IPTC caption field. If you turn it off, that data will no longer show
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug
Thanks a lot. It appears I've asked this very question a yr ago! I'll go in and check my Nikon Transfer, and make sure it's set up right.
ok, I figured out what's oging on. While in FL for the Fall/Winter season, I used a different puter to edit pics. That puter wasn't set up correctly so that it didn't add that additional shooting info to the IPTC Caption field. I just processed this pic back here in IN, and sure enough, it's not popping up here! Thanks so much again! Old timer's disease setting in I guess! :-/
www.ivarborst.nl & smugmug