California Workshop

Join Master Photographer, Charles Glatzer for a technical workshop in beautiful Point Reyes, California. Tule Elk and Harbor seals will be the focal species for the trip.
Advanced Photographic Instruction will include;
August 24th Metering- incident, spot, eval/matrix, sunny f/16, and reference
August 25th Flash - TTL, manual, and FEL techniques
August 26th Post Production- Capture One, CS3 and more
August 27th Visual Skills - creative visualization, composition, and so much more
For more information visit
Advanced Photographic Instruction will include;
August 24th Metering- incident, spot, eval/matrix, sunny f/16, and reference
August 25th Flash - TTL, manual, and FEL techniques
August 26th Post Production- Capture One, CS3 and more
August 27th Visual Skills - creative visualization, composition, and so much more
For more information visit
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know." Diane Arbus
"A photograph is a secret about a secret. The more it tells you the less you know." Diane Arbus