random LPS thoughts

I just need to ramble.
I’m trying to get more involved here, but, as is probably true with a lot of people, it’s hard to find the time. I’ve enjoyed the LPS contest so far. It’s fun to think conceptually for a few days and then make an image. It reminds me of surrealism, or super reality, a kind of dream world.
I think that still photography is already inherently surreal, since in our fast lives we don’t normally freeze a sixtieth of a second, hold it up and say, hey, let’s look at it this way. Now add in the fact that every two weeks, about a hundred other people are focused on the same two words. That probably won’t happen much in the professional assignment world (for instance), so it’s good training, as Shay has said. And it forces us to really think outside the box, to let our mind make connections it wouldn’t normally make, to try and find a different perspective which no one else has found; in short, to dream. So, while the rest of the world is going ninety miles an hour, with video of everything that happens, we photographers are stopping it, and holding it up, looking it over, and savoring it a little. That’s a little surreal.
Okay, I’m done. Anyone want to ramble on? :soapbox
I’m trying to get more involved here, but, as is probably true with a lot of people, it’s hard to find the time. I’ve enjoyed the LPS contest so far. It’s fun to think conceptually for a few days and then make an image. It reminds me of surrealism, or super reality, a kind of dream world.
I think that still photography is already inherently surreal, since in our fast lives we don’t normally freeze a sixtieth of a second, hold it up and say, hey, let’s look at it this way. Now add in the fact that every two weeks, about a hundred other people are focused on the same two words. That probably won’t happen much in the professional assignment world (for instance), so it’s good training, as Shay has said. And it forces us to really think outside the box, to let our mind make connections it wouldn’t normally make, to try and find a different perspective which no one else has found; in short, to dream. So, while the rest of the world is going ninety miles an hour, with video of everything that happens, we photographers are stopping it, and holding it up, looking it over, and savoring it a little. That’s a little surreal.
Okay, I’m done. Anyone want to ramble on? :soapbox
I don't want the cheese, I just want to get out of the trap.
We have no time to stand and stare"
"Leisure", by W.H Davies
I can't say better than that...