HTTP PUT Case-Sensitivity Woes
The HTTP 1.1 spec specifies that headers should be case-insensitive, but the upload is currently case-sensitive. I was getting an error value return (nogallery), but I finally started playing around with headers in Fiddler and figured out that it's because the XmlHttpRequest object's setRequestHeader method creates the header as "x-smug-albumid", but the server doesn't like it unless it's passed as "X-Smug-AlbumID". I can't see any way around this... any chance of a fix?
Also, the HTTP PUT doesn't appear to return JSON results right now... is that correct?
Also, the HTTP PUT doesn't appear to return JSON results right now... is that correct?
Yes, you're correct about JSON, I need to do something about that.
I will also check into Case-Sensitivty thing as well.
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