Style questions...
Hi - I've been a SmugMug user for I think almost 3 years and have no intention on going anywhere else. I have spent very little time on these boards but that will change as I've finally started to really organize my images, add captions, etc. A few questions as I've not been able to find these on here although I'm sure they have been asked before:
1. Blogging - I'm not a serious blogger but I've been tinkering and for me the ultimate solution for a "travel" style blog would be if it were integrated into my galleries - not sure if that is a pending feature or not but I haev to believe a lot of people would love that. Does anyone use the "journal" style and sort-of blog/tell a story with that?
2. Is there a way to adjust the size, font and color of text in the captions and gallery descriptions? Is there also a way to add extra text into a gallery, i.e. "insert" a chunk of text soemhow? If yes - is this easy for a non-HTML coder like myself and from what I undertsand I may have to upgrade to Power User for this?
3. I read that you can insert YouTube embedded links into your galleries - anyoen have any good examples of this?
Thank you in advance.
1. Blogging - I'm not a serious blogger but I've been tinkering and for me the ultimate solution for a "travel" style blog would be if it were integrated into my galleries - not sure if that is a pending feature or not but I haev to believe a lot of people would love that. Does anyone use the "journal" style and sort-of blog/tell a story with that?
2. Is there a way to adjust the size, font and color of text in the captions and gallery descriptions? Is there also a way to add extra text into a gallery, i.e. "insert" a chunk of text soemhow? If yes - is this easy for a non-HTML coder like myself and from what I undertsand I may have to upgrade to Power User for this?
3. I read that you can insert YouTube embedded links into your galleries - anyoen have any good examples of this?
Thank you in advance.
...I can't seem to get it to work or if I do, the video appears for a second than POOF - it is gone. Is there a true Guide for idiots like me on how to do this step by step? I've read the posts and I have doen the <html></html> thing.
This is the code copied from YouTube which I want to place in my SmugMug gallery:
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Perhaps someone could verify what is needed and possibly paste the final code on here? I would be grateful.
I'm using Firefox - the video does not appear but if I scroll up and down - it eventually this normal? Sorry for all of the posts but I'm making progress!