Very thought provoking for me ... It makes me wonder how often we limit ourselves in our goals and dreams in life, simply because we think we can't do it.
These are examples of people that do not see limits. Yes, they probably have an artistic gift that would flourish no matter their life circumstance, but I still believe a lot comes down to desire, passion, and will to succeed.
We only have to look as far as our dear departed G.J.
Those people sure had a black cloud over their head... How inspiring that they still shoot despite what life has against them. Inspirational is not enough to describe them... Makes me think about what Dorothea Lange said: Look to the world as if it is your last day with sight... (not totally correct quote, but it covers the load) These people proove that each day can be the last trigger happy day... We should totally enjoy each time we push the button...
I for Flo and John...
Very thought provoking for me ... It makes me wonder how often we limit ourselves in our goals and dreams in life, simply because we think we can't do it.
These are examples of people that do not see limits. Yes, they probably have an artistic gift that would flourish no matter their life circumstance, but I still believe a lot comes down to desire, passion, and will to succeed.
We only have to look as far as our dear departed G.J.