Downloading Albums on Mac and other Q's
Is there some way I can download my smugmug galleries etc other than using Albumfetcher which I am assuming is windoze only ?
Is there a way to quickly and easily access info about galleries such as the url or gallery no. ?
A list of files in each gallery?
A list of all categories, sub-cats, galleries etc ?
I'm visualizing this in a kind of ssheet format, does this already exist and I'm missing it? Star Explorer looks good, is there something like this for macs?
Is there a way to quickly and easily access info about galleries such as the url or gallery no. ?
A list of files in each gallery?
A list of all categories, sub-cats, galleries etc ?
I'm visualizing this in a kind of ssheet format, does this already exist and I'm missing it? Star Explorer looks good, is there something like this for macs?
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Regarding the downloading - my housekeeping has not been good
Being a woman "of a certain age" or maybe just a woman, my memory does not always serve me well, I forget what galleries, categories etc I have, so was going to make a list of them with ref. gallery numbers or urls to help me keep track of things - the old fashioned way on a sheet of paper or at least all visible in one place - that is without having to go through my own site to remind me. Can you see where I am going ?
Thanks, apols for the incoherence. - Follow me on G+
How about using SmugBrowser? The awesome Firefox extenstion by Devbobo. It won't allow you to bulk download galleries but you do get an awesome tree view.
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I use SmugBrowser:D, yep very good, it does go part way to what I want, no gallery numbers though? Ok so I can't have it all! I was really checking that I'm not missing some place this info is available.
Would ordering a backup dvd solve part of the problem of not being able download galleries on the mac then ? Can you please advise ?
Or maybe buying a pc as well - Follow me on G+
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Thank you Andy,
I didn't know about Parallels - Follow me on G+
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Thanks for the info Andy.
Caroline - Follow me on G+