Sharing originals with my client?

I want to make it really easy for a client of mine to download originals from my private gallery. I'm not sure what platform/browser s/he is using. Is there a canned set of instructions I can send? (I know what to tell someone using firefox. I know what to tell someone competent to compose a template and an image number to make a new URL. I don't know the easy cross platform instructions.)
If not now, when?
photobar flyout there will be a save (original) icon. If the gallery is just private
anyone with the direct link can get to it. Might want to add a password also.
Other styles then Smugmug should have a link for the original.
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Thanks, that's great! Is there an equally easy way for them to download different sized versions?
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Not all platforms/browsers have right click like this. At least that's what I think. Am I wrong?
i think it's be pretty cool to have a password box somewhere within a gallery that'd allow originals to be displayed for that person(s) with the password ONLY.