Praise for Smugmug
This may not belong in this section, but it is business related. I ordered some pictures for a customer because they did not want to order online. I had them sent to her house. Package tracking showed they were lost about a week later. Within 2 hrs of notifying smugmug, and this was after 7:00 pm Central time, reprints were on their way to my customer, no questions asked. Eventually, the PO did find the misplaced pics, but smugmug took care of my customer and it was greatly appreciated by her and me. Smugmug took ownership of a problem that was not their fault and all I was expecting is maybe some pressure being apllied from their end in regards to getting the PO to find the package.
Great job and I am glad I am customer of smugmug.
Great job and I am glad I am customer of smugmug.
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
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