Softball Pictures
The local HS team qualified for the state tourney by winning the substate tourney represented in these pictures. The coach allows me dugout privileges. There was a tense moment in the game and I decided to remove myself from the front of the dugout so I would not be in the way of the girls and the coach could well, coach. After the inning was over and the girls came in from the field, there was a commotion in the dugout and they started to look at me. I thought I had done something bad and I was going to lose my p/t job with the paper because the photog should not be noticed like that. The sportwriter called me over and told me some of the girls were upset with me because I was no longer in front of the dugout. They are just as superstitious as baseball players and it seems they were playing better when I was in the front of the dugout.:D

Very rich color, is this natural or enhanced.
Thanks for the look