Keywording drives me nuts
Several days ago I added keywords to this gallery
originally I had entered :- hills mendip aonb
I changed the keywords to this:- "chancellors farm, somerset wildlife trust, mendip hills, "mendip hills aonb", aonb"
Returning to the gallery to check, the original keyowrds still showed below the caption on most images but not all, like this one
and this
Previously when questioning this I have been told to wait a while for smugmug to update, well I've waited but the keywords below the images still do not show correctly. I believe they show correctly on the keywords page but this doesn't give me confidence that the system is working. correctly. Could someone please look into this, its very frustrating:scratch
originally I had entered :- hills mendip aonb
I changed the keywords to this:- "chancellors farm, somerset wildlife trust, mendip hills, "mendip hills aonb", aonb"
Returning to the gallery to check, the original keyowrds still showed below the caption on most images but not all, like this one
and this
Previously when questioning this I have been told to wait a while for smugmug to update, well I've waited but the keywords below the images still do not show correctly. I believe they show correctly on the keywords page but this doesn't give me confidence that the system is working. correctly. Could someone please look into this, its very frustrating:scratch
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This is all one keyword
"chancellors farm, somerset wildlife trust, mendip hills, "mendip hills aonb", aonb"
make it this way
"chancellors farm" "somerset wildlife trust" "mendip hills" "mendip hills aonb" "aonb"
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OK, thanks, I did it the 2nd way and of course its fine - BUT with the previous version, the " at the begining and end of the keywords only appeared when I clicked preview, they were NOT in the text I entered.
I have repeated the procedure here
1. In bulk captioning/keywords I added this:-
chancellors farm, somerset wildlife trust, mendip hills, "mendip hills aonb", aonb
but when I click preview it shows like this:-
2. "chancellors farm, somerset wildlife trust, mendip hills, "mendip hills aonb", aonb"
If you check each image individually for keywords I hope you will see the inconsistency here in the way the keywords show beneath the images.
I entered the keywords for the first image in this gallery separately, and they show correctly below the image, then I went back into bulk etc and entered as in no.1 above. Please look at this a bit closer before dismissing it as an error on my part. I feel sure there is something amiss here, apart from my brain that is
Caroline - Follow me on G+
preview and so on. Then each one will be separate. Also you might have to
go back into bulk and hit save again for them to apply.
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I have entered multiple keywords at once without problems.
It doesn't make sense that the commas would get in the way - so this comment probably isn't helpful - but in case...
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Yes, this works... I've added zillions of keywords just like this. Words separated by spaces, use quotes only for multiple words, or words less than 3 chars. no comma's
(there may be other ways that work, but once I learn one way, I don't need to experiment)
Ex: tom house group "My Truck" birthday "us" zoo funny
Yes, I know what works, it didn't work right in this instance,I tried to explain what happened and I'm obviously having trouble expressing myself
I didn't enter the quotation marks at the begining and end of the string in question, they appeared with no input from me at all. I have also been able to reproduce the "error" in another gallery using the same set of keywords, as detailed in my previous post.
Unless anyone from smugmug can take a look at this from within, or if anyone else has had a similar experience there is not much further to add.
I too have keyworded hundreds of pics on my smugmug site without any problems and in this instance I don't think it is user error.
Caroline, in the cold foggy UK, slightly fed up - Follow me on G+
I saw that you didn't enter the leading quote.
My question / statement was related to the commas between your keywords as shown in your initial post. I guess I wasn't clear in my post, sorry. I use spaces between keywords, not commas. (Or did I take your post wrong and the commas were just there to indicate multiple keywords from an English point of view?)
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
No you didn't take me wrong the commas were there in this instance, I don't normally use them either and I can't think why I did here
Its really frustrating because I'm pretty certain that this thing with the quotation marks has occured before, and I've then messed around entering words singly etc like Allen suggested and then forgotten about it or been too busy to make a post about it.
I guess there are many more important things in life than a few keywords:)
Thanks for the response,
Caroline - Follow me on G+
hitting preview.
test testing tester >> "test testing tester"
test; testing; tester >> "test; testing; tester"
test, testing, tester >> "test, testing ,tester"
So the only way I see is put one in at time and
hit preview.
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But - I also use bulk keyword to enter different keywords for the photos in a gallery. Using the Edit Captions/Keywords (Bulk) I can put as many different keywords in the box separated by spaces and they are all taken as individual keywords (unless I deliberately enclose them in quotes).
Have we all been talking about two different things throughout this thread?
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at
Ahh, I never hit the preview button... that seems to go in and mess up whatever is already typed into the keyword box by adding quotes all over the place. I just type in keywords for each pic, (or use windows copy/paste) then hit save.
Enter multiple words, no quotes, commas or semi-colons etc, hit preview and
the the multiple word group show with quotes around it. Then select delete
in the left dropdown and hit preview to remove them.
test testing tester >> "test testing tester"
"test" testing tester >> "test" testing tester
test "testing" tester >> "test "testing" tester"
test testing "tester" >> test testing "tester"
"test" "testing" "tester" >> "test" "testing" "tester"
"test" "testing tester" >> "test" "testing tester"
"test" testing tester test1 test2 test3 test4 >> "test" testing tester test1 test2 test3 test4
"test" testing tester test1 "test 2" test3 test4 >> "test" testing tester test1 "test 2" test3 test4
Looks like putting the first one in quotes keeps the others separate.
Maybe the last one also, see above.
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Thanks Allen, Denise & DMC for looking at this, much appreciated.
But what's conclusion? and where does this leave me with the galleries that I have recently keyworded that are not showing correctly ?
Smugmug hero's where are you ? Does this merit a further look from you or do I need to do further tests to show that somewhere along the line quotation marks are being added to keywords, resulting in them not showing correctly? The fact that Allen can reproduce this surely shows this is not just the ramblings of a confused woman:D
Serious question - am I on my own here, entering single words, preview, save, check, enter single word etc etc etc - very tedious, but if thats how it is at least say so.
Mrs Grumpy - Follow me on G+
One possible fix would be to use the bulk keyworder to remove all quotation marks from your keywords. You would then only have to enter any multi-word keywords.
The problem is that the bulk keyworder was build under the assumption that you would enter the keywords one by one. If there is more than one word in the keyword box, then it assumes that you want it to be a single, multi-word keyword, rather than as separate keywords. For what it's worth, I feel that this behaviour is good, since most people fail to combine multi-word keywords correctly.
I don't think the "Quick Entry" feature at the top of the screen was designed to add multiple keywords to multiple pictures in one shot. As Al says, you add a keyword (without quotes since they will be added for you), hit preview (new keywords are pasted in for each pic), then repeat with the next keyword/phrase you want to add. Not really tedious, just hit save when done.
As far as existing photo's with messed up keywords, the bulk keyword update screen is good for deleting all the keywords, (or ones that match some criteria), then you can re-add them...
hope this helps.
Entered >> results
"test" testing tester test1 test2 test3 test4 >> "test" testing tester test1 test2 test3 test4
"test" testing tester test1 "test 2" test3 test4 >> "test" testing tester test1 "test 2" test3 test4
Mrs Grumpy
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Thanks for your comments and thoughts. Please excuse my irritation at this. Rant follows......
Tedious - when I thought I had already done the job properly
Tedious - when it is several galleries with numerous pics
Tedious - when it is several combinations of multi keywords
Grumpy - Follow me on G+
Hi Allen,
You just made me laugh, first time this evening:D
Thanks for following through on this, what would we do without you ? I have to say this has felt like flogging the proverbial dead horse but at least now you have got some kind of sense out it.
I nominate you as honorary Smugmug Hero Superstar for the day.
Mrs not quite so Grumpy - Follow me on G+
Using bulk keyword it looks like if you add "" (double quotes) at the end,
any quotes in multiple keyword addition will work and the whole thing
isn't surrounded with quotes.
All these work, just add "" at the end.
"test" testing tester test1 "test 2" test3 test4""
test "testing tester" test1 "test 2" test3 test4""
test testing tester test1 "test 2" test3 test4""
"test" testing tester test1 "test 2" "test3 test4"""
test testing tester test1 "test 2" "test3 test4"""
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