U14G AAU Basketball
Here are a few pictures from my daughters AAU game. I have been keeping the score book for most games this year so haven't been able to take many pictures.
All of these were taken at ISO1600, F2.8, flourecent WB.

All of these were taken at ISO1600, F2.8, flourecent WB.

You will note that by underexposing and bringing it up in PP the noise becomes more prevelant. That is why getting the exposure correct or slightly overexposed out of the camera will give you cleaner results at the higher ISO's.
Canon Gear
This is the first time I tried the flourecent WB. I usually just leave it on auto. I believe I had exposure set to -2/3 and still had some blown highlights on the white jerseys.
I appreciate any advice to get better pictures as shot. Usually have 400 to 600 per weekend to get thru between soccer and basketball. The less post the better.
Custom white balance is very easy to use, your cameras manual should give you a good explaination. You could also shoot RAW and correct that way but you mentioned keeping PP to a minimum so JPEG with CWB works well in most cases. With gyms I have shot in before and know the lighting I have also used a K temp adjustment to get the proper color balance. Some gyms because the lights cycle so bad won't give you good results no matter what you do.
You have nice action with your shots, just work a bit on exposure and white balance and you will have great shots!
Canon Gear