Excellent product. I am currently using Smugmug to backup all my photos. It would be great if you could specify a folder to watch on the hard drive and then have any new files/folders that appear under there automatically be set to synch to smugmug.
Just a thought...

(this and other nice thingies).. just not immediate ones.. closer to summer 2005, if everything goes as planned:-)
Keep the high hopes:-)
And that will be ported to OS X, right Nik?
"The Edge... there is no honest way to explain it because the only people who really know where it is are the ones who have gone over."-Hunter S.Thompson
And to linux, too....:D
Actually, Linux IS still an option (via Kylix). But once I add shell extensions (which is gonna be pretty soon), this option will cease to exist.. Really sorry.
I used to work for a company which started as a cross-platform product. "Barebone" C, K&R style. OS/2, unix, solaris, windows.. With an advent of win32, esp. NT, every other direction shrank - and finaly the whole R&D (with a sigh of relief) switched to Visual Studio, C++ and win32 only API..