Its easy to make picture, its more difficult to make good picture.
Nikon D50
Nikon 18-55mm DX
Sigma 70-300mm DL
Manfrotto 390
Lowerpro Orion trecker II
Its easy to make picture, its more difficult to make good picture.
Nikon D50
Nikon 18-55mm DX
Sigma 70-300mm DL
Manfrotto 390
Lowerpro Orion trecker II
I feel a little strange commenting on your image as I don't always think I am the best person to comment, but if you want my opinion I would have liked to see the babies face, not all of it, just a little more than you can at the moment... even just down to bottom of his/her eye?
Never the less, if I had have taken this shot I would have been proud of it as well
I agree with Woody. This shot is really good, but to see a little more of the peace and feeling of security of baby's face while in daddy's arms would have been great. I still enjoyed it though!
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Nikon D50
Nikon 18-55mm DX
Sigma 70-300mm DL
Manfrotto 390
Lowerpro Orion trecker II
I feel a little strange commenting on your image as I don't always think I am the best person to comment, but if you want my opinion I would have liked to see the babies face, not all of it, just a little more than you can at the moment... even just down to bottom of his/her eye?
Never the less, if I had have taken this shot I would have been proud of it as well
Cheers mate.
Gallery of mine...caution, it's under CONSTANT construction! | Photo Journal
In the right light, at the right time, everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose