Champ Car Races - Pit Stop

The above image was taken with a Canon SD500 P&S camera in burst/continuious mode during a pitstop. It's also my first 'real' attempt at post production work. (Thanks to everyone that contributed to all the Tutorials and FAQs here--they were a big help.)
The last few events I've attended (ChampCars especially) really made be want a DSLR. (other than my old film one) so this past weekend I procured a Xti with an EF 28-135IS lens and a 430EX flash so I hope to have some even better pictures to share in the future.
If you're into post production, maybe you can consider oobing?
approximation to the complete truth..."
-- Richard Feynman (1918-1988)
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Here's a revised photo. I agree with your point with 2nd car in color being a bit of a distraction. When I originally started coloring, I didn't anticipate such a 3d affect and I was just interested in featuring the cars. Now that it came out so well (the 3d affect) I think going back to b&w on the 2nd car provides more 'depth' to the look.
Raz, Thanks for the link; *Very* cool stuff. Here's a quick first try of OOB with the above pic slightly modified.