Bravest in Blue

We don't get much snow in Jerusalem - maybe once or twice a year. Some years none at all :cry
But we do have the bravest cops!!:wink
Fresh from this morning - "Bravest in Blue"

First snow this year!
Could this work for "predominant color"?
But we do have the bravest cops!!:wink
Fresh from this morning - "Bravest in Blue"

First snow this year!
Could this work for "predominant color"?
Operating System Design, Drivers, Software
Villa Del Rio II, Talamban, Pit-os, Cebu, Ph
only critique, don't know if the blue really dominates. as in, when i look at the photo without title, I get "snow and lines" but not "blue".
Don't you realize here it's a matter of bravery?
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
I was on 1/30 for the snow-smear effect with the Sony x1.7 on the end of the 828 lens, handheld - I can assure you that the fact his wristwatch is in focus is purely coincidental
(but I think it's more a matter of motion blur - his and maybe a little of mine too)
ok, I guess it's not predominentally (sp?) blue - maybe predominentally OOF?
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
Nir Alon
images of my thoughts
I like the shot a lot. The angles/lines are great. I was thinking that if you processed it a little cooler on the white balance it might look more blue. Something like this:
Susan Appel Photography My Blog