Epson R260 color problem

Mornin' All,
Does anyone have any ideas why certain shades of brown or grey print green from my printer ??? The rest of the colors are very accurate. I use generic ink and paper, print from PS7 and Arc Soft 5.5 using Windows XP. Thanks in advance and have a great day
Does anyone have any ideas why certain shades of brown or grey print green from my printer ??? The rest of the colors are very accurate. I use generic ink and paper, print from PS7 and Arc Soft 5.5 using Windows XP. Thanks in advance and have a great day

Perfect Pix
I don't remember if I had that problem with the OEM because I printed out mostly landscape and building pictures. And, I only printed out about 12
8 x 10's before I ran out of ink. I have printed about 20 8 x 10's so far and still have more then 50 % ink left. The landscape and building pictures that I have printed with the generic ink look the same as the ones printed with the OEM. I did notice one thing last night. One of the magenta cartdridges was clogged. When I cleaned it and reprinted one of the portraits, the hair was more natural looking and the entire picture itself was a bit warmer. I 'll print a few more tonight and see if that helps with the rest of the portraits. Thanks
Have a good day,
Perfect Pix