Just in case you've missed it...

There is one part of Smugmug Explorer web site which may be interesting for all smugmug users, regrdless of the platorm/operating system they use.
Check out the Services page, Mass Upload section...
"Smugmugers de tous les platformes -- unissez-vous!":lust
(or whatever thay say in French:-)
Check out the Services page, Mass Upload section...
"Smugmugers de tous les platformes -- unissez-vous!":lust
(or whatever thay say in French:-)
"May the f/stop be with you!"
Mass Upload service can be provided regardless of your OS - I just need the files:-)
The app - well, there are two ways.
- You can persuade Borland to make a Delphi port for Mac, or
- You can donate (pinky by the mouth:-) One Hundred Million Dollars to my R&D program - and I swear you'll get a working version for Mac in no time at all
I hope I answered your question:-)Cheers!
I thought it was some sort of application.
Are you a programmer or developer of some sort?
I'm the proud author of that smugmugexplorer thingie:D (chk my sig, man:-)
And yes, mass upload service is avaialble for everybody who can send the data on CDs/DVDs/external HDD. Sometimes sneakernet is THE way to go:-)
The Guinness Record of the data transfer speed was registered when a (clandestine) company selling pirated s/w sent an 18-wheeler FULL of CDs from Mariupol to Kiev (two big cities in Ukraine). Operation was completed in less than 3 hours. Exact transfer rate is unknown, but if you take 650Mb/CD times number of CDs in the fully loaded truck divided by 3 hours - you'll see that no Gigabit internet comes even close:-)