Okay, I may be doofus, but I am confused.

I have recently bought a Bigma prime lens, 500mm. For the first time, I need a tripod and gimbal head. I know all about the sidekick, but after buying this 500mm, my funds are limited. I just can't afford the sidekick even though I realize that it is very good at what it does.
Could have some recommendations on some gimbal heads and tripods that could support this lens? I have looked at a lot of Bogen Manfrotto tripods, but there are so many choices plus heads, I honestly do not know which is what I need. Basically, I want something that will hold my lens and still allow me to swivel the camera and lens to track flying birds and such.
Any recs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
Could have some recommendations on some gimbal heads and tripods that could support this lens? I have looked at a lot of Bogen Manfrotto tripods, but there are so many choices plus heads, I honestly do not know which is what I need. Basically, I want something that will hold my lens and still allow me to swivel the camera and lens to track flying birds and such.
Any recs would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
I read your previous post about indicision, But I think you made a great choice.
Nikon D100 with MB-D100,Nikon D70S,Nikon N90S with grip,Sigma 18-200 DC, Sigma 20mm,Nikon AF 70-300,Nikon 17-55 AF-S, Nikon, 500mm Reflex, and about 15 other old school Nikon lenses inherited from my dad...
Thanks. I like to hear that. It was big purchase. The equivalent Canon L series is a great lens no doubt but since I know that I will use this lens almost exclusively with a tripod, I just couldn't justify the extra $1,500 for the IS and perhaps a bit more sharpness. Although, I have seen only good things written about this prime lens and IQ.
Now, which tripod and head?
I just saw the sticky. I will read that and post in here if I still have questions.
I would high recommend a gimbal only head, and also wait until you have enough cash to get something you will keep for awhile. You might want to look at the gimbal heads by Jobu Design. They cost a little less than the Wimberly heads.
My website | NANPA Member
Hey, Glenn. No, I have nothing so far, but there are so many choices that I am confused as to what I should get. The lens weighs in at about 7 pounds I think, plus the camera, flash and rigging, I'll need a tripod that supports at least 12 pounds I would suspect and then the head, which I am leaning towards a gimbal only. I will check out Jobu although when I looked at their prices previously, and perhaps I was looking at their high-end only, I thought they were just about like Wimberly. I will check again. Thanks.
I think without a doubt, the Wimberley is the best head you can get for what you like shooting, it's just a bit pricey. I use a ballhead (Kirk BH3), but you certainly don't have the flexibility (and stability) of the Wimberley...
Having just spent $1,700 to have my lens repaired after is split into two pieces I would suggest that you don't skimp on the tripod, or the head. Shoot handheld until you can get the goodstuff, or keep an eye out for used equip.
My website | NANPA Member
Yikes! You mean your 400mm DO?!? I'm glad you got it fixed though but ouch! Well, I think now you have scared me enough to go high-ed Jobu or Wimberly.
Yeah I know. That is why I said Bigma prime...just making up new nicks. Although if we could make up a new one, I'm all for it.