Alright... I have seen the teacup, but I wanted to do something different, I guess thats the way I roll LOL but I bought this bamboo basket thing at Pier One a few weeks ago with the intention on shooting some how with it... so far Merlin (my Cat) has taken up that it is for him, but I got to try it out with Hunter tonight and I couldn't get my vision into the camera as he was too big/tall and didn't fit the way I wanted it to go...
I was hoping for it on it's side with a blanket spilling out and him crawling out of it but he would only stiffen up when he was in it and then on the last shot he ducked down and peeked I grabbed this shot I think it is cute, but would like a title for it...
I was hoping for it on it's side with a blanket spilling out and him crawling out of it but he would only stiffen up when he was in it and then on the last shot he ducked down and peeked I grabbed this shot I think it is cute, but would like a title for it...
check out my (sports) pics:
*Thanks to Boolsacho for the avatar photo (from the dgrin portrait project)
Pier One huh? Ok I know where I'm going today.
"Capturing Moments in Time Since 1975"
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