Pricing List
I guess I didn't start out the right way and I have pricing set-up with nearly every gallery I set up. What I would like to do it go back, establish 1 or 2 pricing set-ups and re-price all my galleries accordingly. If I do that, will it eliminate each gallery from showing up on the list?
pricing combo. Upload a very hires photo to each and set the prices. Using
Gallery names like "family prices" and "portfolio prices".
Then apply using bulk to the galleries.
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That would eliminate all other gallery pricing references, no? I hate that long list of pricing set-ups, not to mention that it caused me to set prices incorrectly for one gallery and sold pics at cost.
when adding new gallery you can just pick the appropriate one and apply it's
Gallery names like
"pricing nature"
"pricing family"
"pricing portfolio"
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