A few shots from Arizona

I was pushing my poor little Olympus pretty hard for some of these.
This one was a play on reflections:

Going for textures, rows, and angular shadows:

Guess how this shot was made...

And now for something completely different:

This one is my favorite, despite the sensor overload noise:
This one was a play on reflections:

Going for textures, rows, and angular shadows:

Guess how this shot was made...

And now for something completely different:

This one is my favorite, despite the sensor overload noise:

jim frost
The first shot has a nice reflection. But the framing's off. We can't see the entire weed both in, and out of, the water. Also, it's more or less dead center, which isn't typically a powerful place. You might check out some of the tips in this thread.
The second shot has a lot of promise, IMHO. Given the right exposure, it has some good color and texture. It's a little overexposed though. If you have a program that can treat images, you might try bringing down the levels and perhaps increasing the saturation.
I really like the 4th shot. I think it could use more saturation and maybe contrast. But it has cool colors and shapes.
My monitor can't do the last one justice, When I get the new one hooked up I'll come back and look at it again.
As I said, just my humble opinion, please feel free to ignore it all.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam
C2500L. It has really served me well, but it sure is limited compared to my new 300D. :-)
Happy to have feedback, thanks.
Yea, actually that's already been significantly processed (using Photoshop Elements) even to get it to that point. I didn't muck with the levels (or, at least, I don't remember mucking with the levels) but I did increase saturation a lot. The Olympus' manual mode is really hard to deal with and it has a tendency to produce overexposed, undersaturated shots in bright sunlight - up to now I've pretty much thrown away shots that were probably very recoverable.
Thanks again for the feedback.
Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam