Does this request look ok ?

I have been playing around with the XML-RPC api, but I am having trouble connecting...does this request look ok ??
Thanks David
Thanks David
I could never get anonymous login to work. I tried many times and get tired. Unless Onethumb fixed it during the last four weeks I guess we're s.o.l., buddy..
Got it working....isn't it always the smallest things, was missing the trailing '/' on the URL.
SmugMug API Developer
My Photos
However, I have to correct myself.
When I said "it does not work" I meant - "you can't do anything with that login". I apologize, should've been more accurate.
It returns session ID and such, but any other request would fail, including logout.
And as you would probably agree, it's not too much to have a session you cannot do anything with.. Hence my reply "could not make it work"..
If you don't mind my asking - why r u so keen on anonymous? You still would need to know the account name (AFAIK there is no getAccounts and getAccountInfo API yet:-), and even then you'd only be able to get a public info, no private or upload stuff...
Don't get me wrong - I was trying to get it work, too, simply to be able to cover all API in case somebody needs it. But it didn't work, Don didn't have time to fix it, so I kinda decided to let it simmer. There are more important APIs to cover which require full access anyway:-)
Good luck - and cheers!