Copy Pics (not Move) from one Gallery to a second
I assume this is an easy question but I'm haveing a hard time finding the answer: I simply want to copy all of the pictures from Gallery A to Gallery B, but want to keep the originals in Gallery A as well. I see how to do a move but not a copy.
If you have a lot of images, it might be easier to upload from your computer to the new gallery...
Make second copy only copies that single photo; I want the entire gallery. I've added captions online so if I have to upload again I'll lose the captions...
This might be a long way around, take a look at Greg Wellmen's Album Fetcher. You can bulk download from Smugmug, then reupload to the new gallery. I think his app will retain the captions. Take a look to see if this will help.
Great call, Rich. Perfect. Thanks.
Downloading an album and uploading it again works, but you lose any tags you added to the pictures, and potentially the album order. I hit this same problem a year or so ago, so I wrote a utility to do it automatically.
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