Quick "move" question!

My photos went from Aperture to Smugmug in reverse chronological order. The last photo shold be the first, and so on. The shoot is from a musical, so the photos need to be in the correct order. This is the first time this has happened to me.
How do I quickly reverse the order of the gallery?
Thanks a million!
Figured it out. I went to "customize gallery" and changed it to "descending" (even though I really want it to be ascending -- wierd).
Thanks anyway!
How do I quickly reverse the order of the gallery?
Thanks a million!
Figured it out. I went to "customize gallery" and changed it to "descending" (even though I really want it to be ascending -- wierd).
Thanks anyway!
SmugMug Technical Account Manager
Travel = good. Woo, shooting!
Thanks Nick!