Argh, Color differnt in browsers?



  • Marc MuenchMarc Muench Registered Users Posts: 1,420 Major grins
    edited June 14, 2007
    Good stuff
    This is a great discussion.
    And yes, sRGB for the web and AdobeRGB for printing.
    I have always believed that anyone willing to seek knowledge, such as all those folks visiting this forum, want to be exposed to the most effective and progressive methods in photography. Therefore I think it is imperative to promote just that, even if folks make mistakes. After all that is how I learned. Oh yes I have made plenty of mistakes.
    I believe, if it aint broke, break it than learn how to fix it. If someone is not happy with the way their image is printing or being displayed then they will seek the knowledge to correct it.
    I have seeing time and time again during my digital printing workshops this very same dilemma. In fact now I have everyone conduct an exercise where they print an image, yes a landscape image, in sRGB and then again in AdobeRGB. The color difference is very noticeable to professionals and armatures alike. Our eyes are very good comparators, however it is not until we have something to compare with do we realize it. So I believe, it is a shame to leave anyone who has spent good money on equipment in the sRGB dark! I still pray for the day when the internet will catch up, until then, THE PRINT RULES:ivar
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