Send to SmugMug not working?

Anyone else having problems with Send to SmugMug since the maintenance? It's definitely not working for me. Even tried restarting the PC...
Which reminds me... if I'm relying on Send to SmugMug enough to post when it's not working (it's actually the ONLY way that I can upload more than one photo at a time - due to my internet dropping) - then I need to contribute to Omar for the great utility. :clap Hats off to Omar!
Which reminds me... if I'm relying on Send to SmugMug enough to post when it's not working (it's actually the ONLY way that I can upload more than one photo at a time - due to my internet dropping) - then I need to contribute to Omar for the great utility. :clap Hats off to Omar!
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object"
When was the last time it worked for you?
Maybe you try to contact Omar directly by leaving him a comment on his blog?
SmugMug Support Hero
I saw that posting... but I wondered if it were more widespread.
Reason I questioned if it were due to the maintenance was that I last used the Send to SmugMug Wednesday or Thursday.
I'll post there on Omar's site.