do I make sub galleries?

I have created a gallery titled "Friends and Family"...under this gallery I would like to have other galleries titled with last if I have a gallery titled "Jones", I would like to have sub galleries in the "Jones" folder. This way, for each client I can have a gallery with there last name...and then galleries for each shoot within that I making sense?
Just create a category "Friends and Family" and then you can assign galleries to it. Same goes for subcategories.
I'm not sure how you can use categories right now with your customizations, but have a look at my page for an example. My whole site is built with categories as the top level.
Also have a look at the help page on categories.
Hope this helps a bit,
SmugMug Support Hero
create a sub-category for each family or friend. You then put galleries under
each sub-cat.
category .............. sub-cat ....... gallery
Friends and Family
........................... Smith
.............................................. event1
.............................................. event2
........................... Jones
.............................................. event1
.............................................. event2
Friends and Family > Smith > event1
Make sense?
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Totally makes sense...and I have begun to arrange my client shoots...thank you so much...I remember you telling me how to change the grey background to black to match the rest of the site but I do not remmeber bookmarking the code...would you be so kind to share the code?
Thanks in advance!
Another option.
Might consider creating a "Clients" category to put the names under.
Then your clients would be separate from "friends and family".
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Yes...I have a clients category...and I intend to move all these galleries over there...right now I am still playing around with the layout...the banner(s) and hopefully will be ready to go in the next week or two.
As for the background change...
I do not want grey on the friends and family gallery.
.category_Friends_and_Family #subcategoriesBox
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I have a problem along the same line. I have a main category titled "Equestrian" and Sub Category Called "Bucks County Horse Park" In that sub category I have listed various events by date. Now I would like to for each event date arrange the photos by discipline such as Jumpers, Hunters, Dressage, ETC, How would I do that. My site is
Assuming that you are a power user or pro, then you have four options.
In order from easiest to most difficult (and time-consuming):
1) Remove "Bucks County Horse Park" as a sub-category, and replace it by sub-categories for each date at the venue.
2) Have a gallery for each date. In the keywords for each photo, list both the event, and the disciple. (This will allow you to do a keyword search that gives all the photos in a single discipline on a given date.) If you wish, then you can use gallery redirects to make the keyword searches appear as galleries within your sub-category, and also use javascript to prevent the "date" galleries from appearing within the sub-category.
3) Make "Bucks County Horse Park" a full category. In the category "Equestrian" create a number of gallery redirects, pointing to the category corresponding to various venues.
4) Use the sub-gallery hack to create sub-galleries for each date.
Thank you. I will give it a try.
Allen, I tried chaning the grey background under sub category "Clients & Client Events"...I added the following to my CSS to no avail:
category_Clients_&_Client_Events #subcategoriesBox
category_Clients__Client_Events #subcategoriesBox
category_Clients___Client_Events #subcategoriesBox
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Neither of thos worked and I went so far to change the name of the gallery to "Clients and Client Events"
category_Clients_and_Client_Events #subcategoriesBox
Still no workie
These do work, just put the period on front of them.
.category_Clients_and_Client_Events #subcategoriesBox
.category_Friends_and_Family #subcategoriesBox
My Website index | My Blog
.category_Clients_and_Client_Events #subcategoriesBox
.category_Friends_and_Family #subcategoriesBox