Metz Flash and 300D ..

Well, its been awhile since I've posted here.
Been lovin the switch from film to digital, so much so that I've sold all 7- 6X7 bodies
and all 6 lenses .. and have now dedicated myself to my 2 300D bodies, and the Tokina 80-400,
Sigma 15-30, and the EF 28-105 :barb
Only problem is .. tryin to get this Metz 60CT-4 workin with the 300D's.
One of the 300D's I bought, already had the firmware hack in it.
I'm not even concerned with ETTL .. as I've learned by reading many threads and responses from various sites, that it's not all that accurate anywho ..
I bought a 3000C and a 3102, but the 3102 was an M4. I sent it off to Bogen
and had them rechip it, but they rechipped to M3 .. I've since learned that it shoulda been chipped to M1!
So now after dealing with email after email with Bogen, I'm about to sell the CT-4 .. but ..
hold everything .. I called B&H and talked with a tech about my dilemma.
He stated that I should just go with the wien safe sync .. specially if ETTL is of no concern to me.
He said that the 3000C and 3102 were "over-kill" for what I needed ..
I mean .. taking a meter reading of my ambient, then shooting in manual, and my CT-4 .. cant be all that crazy .. can it?
These two camera's are alotta fun, and are giving me such a pleasure, not to mention
just about everything is paid off from paying customers that I dont think I miss my 6X7's at all ..
Besides the wein safe sync and the 3000C/3102 modules .. what else is available to me?
I love my 2 Metz flashes .. and really really do not wanna sell them ..
Thanks guys ..
Been lovin the switch from film to digital, so much so that I've sold all 7- 6X7 bodies
and all 6 lenses .. and have now dedicated myself to my 2 300D bodies, and the Tokina 80-400,
Sigma 15-30, and the EF 28-105 :barb
Only problem is .. tryin to get this Metz 60CT-4 workin with the 300D's.
One of the 300D's I bought, already had the firmware hack in it.
I'm not even concerned with ETTL .. as I've learned by reading many threads and responses from various sites, that it's not all that accurate anywho ..
I bought a 3000C and a 3102, but the 3102 was an M4. I sent it off to Bogen
and had them rechip it, but they rechipped to M3 .. I've since learned that it shoulda been chipped to M1!
So now after dealing with email after email with Bogen, I'm about to sell the CT-4 .. but ..
hold everything .. I called B&H and talked with a tech about my dilemma.
He stated that I should just go with the wien safe sync .. specially if ETTL is of no concern to me.
He said that the 3000C and 3102 were "over-kill" for what I needed ..
I mean .. taking a meter reading of my ambient, then shooting in manual, and my CT-4 .. cant be all that crazy .. can it?
These two camera's are alotta fun, and are giving me such a pleasure, not to mention
just about everything is paid off from paying customers that I dont think I miss my 6X7's at all ..
Besides the wein safe sync and the 3000C/3102 modules .. what else is available to me?
I love my 2 Metz flashes .. and really really do not wanna sell them ..
Thanks guys ..

I do have some older Sunpak 611 flashes that work great as either auto flashes or in manual mode, especially as slaves using either optical slaves or radio slaves.
They are very high trigger voltage so I do have a Wein SafeSync for using them attached to the camera.
I suggest you try a SafeSync to determine for yourself whether thay are suitable for your needs. I do suggest using RAW mode to give you a higher rate of keepers with a little more exposure latitude.
Good luck,
Moderator of the Cameras and Accessories forums