Equestrian Eventing - trying something new
I am trying to add some variey to the usual mix of jumping images - any thoughts? I think that given the angle and technique that strong to severe backlighting is frequently going to be an issue and image quality not up to 'normal' quality, but is the novelty factor high enough to compensate?

Images shot by me for Poulsen Photography - to order prints, discuss any and all useage rights, or to view the entire collection of images from the Baywood PC Memorial Day 1 Day Event event please visit http://www.poulsenphoto.com or http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/thumbpage.aspx?e=2918539
Thanks for looking,
Images shot with 30D, cropped, to 4x5 aspect ratio and auto processed for color and contrast.

Images shot by me for Poulsen Photography - to order prints, discuss any and all useage rights, or to view the entire collection of images from the Baywood PC Memorial Day 1 Day Event event please visit http://www.poulsenphoto.com or http://www.photoreflect.com/pr3/thumbpage.aspx?e=2918539
Thanks for looking,
Images shot with 30D, cropped, to 4x5 aspect ratio and auto processed for color and contrast.
Outdoor and Sports Media
Outdoor and Sports Media
This doesn't mean that it can't be a cool shot on an artistic or journalistic basis, but equestrian event photography from the rider's perspective is all about "me, me, me." If the rider doesn't feel flattered and the central subject of the photo, they'll pass it by.
Also Andy, when someone starts out taking pictures for me at shows, I also tell them to stay much farther from the jumps than that, as I don't want my crew to get blamed for any type of interference with the rider.
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
Thanks also for the concern - my first rule in shooting sports is not to effect the outcome, be it at equine events, college volleyball, or kids soccer I refrain from flash if at all practical (high ISO, fast primes, and noise ninja keep me shooting with ambient under all but the darkest conditions) and try and choose angles and distances to insure that I am not putting myself or the participant at increased risk. I was no where near this close to the jump ( in fact 30 - 100+ feet away depending on the location) and the equipment was situated such that only in the most freakish occurance could someone have come in to direct contact with it (given that this was cross country and the obstacles immobile it would have taken some sort of fall with the horse and or rider rolling back in to the back side edge of the jump to create any direct contact with camera equipment) nor was the equipment visible to the horse or rider unless they looked backwards after clearing the rail. That is the reason that I had to live with the backlighting as I was letting safety dictate equipment placement and not light or angle. The sound of the shutter coming from below and to the side of the horse as it was in the air was my only concern - that and the equipment getting hit with flying hoof debris.
Thanks again for looking/commenting. I appreciate the thoughts.
Outdoor and Sports Media
I think the biggest problems with this style will be a) image quality from a technical standpoint and b) image desireability. If shot really well this could be an AWESOME shot.
This shot is quite cool, the rider is looking at her next jump or at least at her next turn, the horse a good size for her and takes up her leg (unlike the haflinger which makes the person look very tall and lurch-ish). The rider is in a fairly nice position, good release, good eyes, good leg position though her heel good be down more, nice flat back. You may have been a tiny bit late with the shutter, as it looks like she's past the point of bascule and her horse is starting to unfold in the front. I think the slightly blown background is okay, but what gets me is that the image is a bit soft. Focus is obviously on the jump.
This kind of gets in to the later pictures like this one:
Focus again is on the jump, and because your using a smaller aperature you've got a wide enough depth of field that your background doesn't have much bokeh. So, because the background seems so in focus I wonder if maybe your shutter speed was a just a bit too slow and the OOF is actually motion blur?
The two like this:
Are too blown for me, they maybe kinda cool, but I don't think they'll print well. I'm sure quite a bit of the brightness is from the i2e or whatever program you ran it through, it's quite contrasty too. And, again here the shot was a bit late.
Can you focus lock one you get the focus set? I think that if you can get consistant quality on this it could be worth it. If I was the rider in the first or second shot I'd buy.
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Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
The next opportunity to try this is going to be at an 'A' Rated HJ show with the Jumpers. Either side of the jump will be just as vunerable to damage so I can at least avoid shooting the shade side.
Thanks again for commenting,
Outdoor and Sports Media
And that's precisely the point, as Christina points out, there will be folks who will buy the shot, because she likes that shot. I'm a rider as well (which I don't think matters at all here) and if the shot were taken correctly, I might even buy it. It's just not a high percentage sales shot based on my exprience.
And be clear that I think the shots are all nice shots as far as timing, etc. I don't know what the condition was that you couldn'' go to the other side of the jump to keep it from being backlit, but it's not always possible out on course to get a postion that facilitates every shot being properly lit. You sometimes have to take the angles that are available.
Andy, as for how you actually got these shots, were you able to follow the horses on approach in order to get the timing correct? Seems you had no problem with it! Were you able to get other shots of each rider?
If the jump were my choice and I were taking that shot, I think I'd pick one closer to a treeline so that the sky wouldn't be the background
Then there's always such thing as knowledge of your individual customers, so Christina, if I see you on a rider list, just know I'll be parked underneath one or more of the jumps!:hide Maybe at Loch Moy..
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..
I think the shots with the trees in the background are better than the blown out sky. Maybe using an ND filter to get a wider aperture could result in a blurred background and the focus on the rider, horse and part of the obstacle.
If I were there I might try out a lensbaby for a shot or two...it would definitely look cool.
What do you all think?
For the others, I'm gointa have to agree that the blown out backgrounds are too much.
For what it is worth - here is a hand processed version of one of the blown out skies images - probably should push the midtones a little brighter, but pasting in the hint of sky, not having a computer do heavy shadow rescue, and a touch of sharpening goes a long way in getting the image to a more pleasant form.
Thanks again for looking and commenting!
Outdoor and Sports Media
I still had a stop + to play with for shutter speed and a two stops + of ISO left, but as the camera was fixed I wanted the larger DOF to compensate for those that might jump closer or further than the middle of the jump or taller -for different size horse and rider combos or those that just skimmed it versus clearing it big. A cir pol would have helped some with the skies, but then it looks like I needed higher shutter speeds for many of the shots than the 1/1000 that I was shooting at anyway. And a graduated neutral density would not have been very friendly to the heads of the horse and rider. In a pick your poison situation I will try and shoot for the subject and hope that I can repair the background should the composition merit it.
Thanks for looking and the suggestions. I would love to play with a lens baby or tilit-shift sometime - or even add in some more panning shots, but the joy of shooting to sell to competitors is that you try and concentrate on what you know will sell first - playing - like these shots comes as a secondary consideration.
Outdoor and Sports Media
Sounds like you set it up that way I was thinking of, using a narrow aperture to account for the fact that the rider doesn't always cross the jump right over your pre-focus point.
As a matter of fact, if it were my face in one of those pics, I'd probably even buy it myself.
www.HoofClix.com / Personal Facebook / Facebook Page
and I do believe its true.. that there are roads left in both of our shoes..