Anyone Else Having Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo "Buffer Overrun" Problems?

I'm new here. I've been taking photos for quite some time now and decided to purchase Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo. I loved it at after editing several pictures I get an error message and it closes down. Something about "buffer overrun detected"....I received an email from their tech support and it gives me directions on how to fix the problem. The bad thing is that after a few pictures have been edited I get the error message again and must correct it again. Is anyone else having this problem?
During research into the security of imaging applications, such as Paint Shop Pro, I discovered a number of such problems. I tried to communicate with Corel several times and got silence in response. Very disappointing.
I'm intrigued as to what the message from Corel's helpdesk said.... Is there any chance you could provide more detail?
So yes, I've had similar problems, though I was actively trying to cause them, and no, I don't have a solution and am somewhat unimpressed with Corel about it.
After I've done some editing on a few pictures, I try to open a new photo in the organizer at the bottom of the screen. When I click on the new picture, an error message pops up. At the top of the error window it has,
A buffer overrun has been detected which has corrupted the program's internal state. The program cannot safely continue execution and must now be terminated.
I must then close the program which takes forever. If I try to open it again, I get the same message. I have to follow the instructions given to me by their tech support to temporarily fix the problem....until it happens again. It's a big pain. It turns out some great pictures, but it gets annoying when the program shuts down every 30 minutes or so.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
>Tools>Options>Workspace>Memory, and reset / reduce the percentage of total RAM usage. Also lower the number of "undo" steps.
Also check all other workspace and global settings... turn off any unneccessary features that eat up memory.
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
I was just there in the PSP XI newsgroup. > Community > Newsgroups > Start using the Corel Newsgroups > Paint Shop Pro > Paint Shop Pro Photo XI.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
Thanks! I'll try this and let you know how it goes....
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So we have upgraded computers and consequently are running Vista. PSP X is not Vista compatable, so I am using a 30 day trial of PSP XI. Still have not figured out if the subtle operating differences are Vista or PSP specific, but I have not adapted to them.
I do wish for the Jasc days - they were good to work with.
Sorry I am of no help other than to confirm your issues.
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It still closes on me...I think it's does this when I try to open a new picture from a different file that I'm already working in....
well this is a real
did you try David's suggestion? (post #7)
Moderator of: Location, Location, Location , Mind Your Own Business & Other Cool Shots
Hi Cindy,
I have used X and XI for some time and never had a problem until a few days ago. Now I get the same error when I try to start it up. I have tried a repair and then an uninstall and fresh install and it still gives the same error on startup. Were you ever able to find a better fix? I searched the support site also and came up empty. I don't know what David_S85 was looking at.
What was the fix the Corel folks advised you in their email?
Thanks for your help
I was suggesting to go into Corel's own support area to ask about the PSP XI problems you're having. - see post #7 in this thread.
"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" - Wayne Gretzky
This is what "David" in the customer service department sent me in an email. It works, but, you have to do this everytime you either get the error message or close the program and want to re-open later.
You probably did this during the reinstallation process, let's try clearing the cache once again.
A. Close Paint Shop Pro Photo XI if is currently open.
B. Go to Start | Run, Type %appdata% and click Ok.
C. Open the Corel folder.
D. Delete the following files:
E. Select the Paint Shop Pro Photo folder.
F. Select the 11 folder.
G. Delete the cache folder.
H. Close the open box.
The steps you got from Corel support seemed to have worked for me. I've opened and closed several times, edited, closed and opened, etc. We'll see. I also contacted Corel and I got the following rather more complicated procedure (see below). I haven't tried it because the procedure you sent fixed my problem (for now). This might solve your problem however. Make sure you save your plugins and scripts before you uninstall (copy the 'plugIns', 'Scripts-Restricted' and 'Scripts-Trusted') if have loaded or recorded anything in addition to defaults. The default location for these files is: 'C:\Program Files\Corel\Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI'
Hope this helps,
"Francis" sent me this:
Thank you for contacting Corel Customer Support Services. Please download the following files and install them in this order:
1. Microsoft .Net Framework
2. Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable
after installing, restart PC then reinstall the software this way:
Use the following Instructions to uninstall, then reinstall Paint Shop Pro Photo XI. These instructions provide a method that is much more thorough than using Add/Remove Programs from the Control Panel.
1. Download the Zapps.exe file from Save this file to your Windows Desktop, then skip to step 7 below. NOTE: if you have problems getting the file downloaded, use the following instructions.
2. Open your Internet Explorer Browser. Remove the text in the address bar, and enter: (do not enter the http or www prior to the text).
3. Select the Pub folder, followed by the PaintShopPro folder, and then the folder named X.
4. Select the Zapps.exe, then choose Save.
5. Change the location for the save to your Desktop.
6. Select Save.
7. When done downloading the file, browse to the desktop and launch the Zapps.exe program by selecting it.
8. From the Product Drop-down menu, choose Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo XI.
9. Under Actions, add a checkmark next to all 4 options (Uninstall, Run MSI Zap, Remove Registry Keys, and Remove Installed Files).
10. Choose Begin and the utility will start the removal process for Paint Shop Pro Photo XI.
Note: The process will remove the product without a visible progress window (it will run in the background). The image files saved on your computer will not be moved, changed, or removed.
11. Select Close when the program removal process is complete
12. Manually delete any remaining Paint Shop Pro Photo XI files at C:\Program Files\Corel or the location where you had Paint Shop Pro Photo XI previously installed (if you installed to a custom location).
13. Reinstall Paint Shop Pro Photo XI from your original Downloaded file or CD ROM.
14. Download and install the patch from this site:
Should you require further assistance, please contact us via telephone. A full listing of contact numbers can be found at: