Wow, I think my price would be about 5 figures.
I am registered for a site that gets photo, video, IT, etc freelance requests for projects, etc. Got this one below. Kinda funny after reading it. How could you fit much about photoshop into 150 pages, let alone including all the photography stuff.
Sounds like this guy you to write a book on the subject and get no royalties. It sure would take a while to accomplish. Interesting.
Sounds like this guy you to write a book on the subject and get no royalties. It sure would take a while to accomplish. Interesting.
Basics first...
I need a complete guide to be created in Word format of digital photography and
photoshop, from beginning to taking a picture out to having an edited digital
picture that can be printed or uploaded, of about 120-150 pages with pictures to
describe the effect with a specific technique and without...
Very important - I want it step by step but with some personality not just a
technical guide!!!
Now for the specifics...
Digital photography:
-Describing the basic terms of digital photography including terms like DOF and
1/3 concepts and how to achieve it... The initial guide do not have to be
targeted at just beginners but if a certain term gets to technical just explain
the basics...
-How to use filters and reflectors to achieve certain effects
-Advantages and disadvantages of using low or high aperture and shutter speed
settings or why you would it in a certain way...
-When you should use a low or high ISO...
Any other methods or tricks used by pros, I am not a pro so I do not know all
the terms and effects that you can create.
What you can edit and how to do it? How to achieve certain effects using layers
I am even worse at photoshop so use own discretion!
I also want a time frame of how long you propose this project will take and I
want to set targets for payments... Say you get paid a part for every 20 pages
delivered and final payment on completion of project!
Then the final thing is when you place your bid I want a short paragraph of your
experience and ideas just to see your writing style and to see if you include
some personality into the way you write!!!
Thank you again and please let me know if there is any questions... Guide can be
shorter if it contains smaller pictures and/or have great information... say 65
"A photo is like a hamburger. You can get one from McDonalds for $1, one from Chili's for $5, or one from Ruth's Chris for $15. You usually get what you pay for, but don't expect a Ruth's Chris burger at a McDonalds price, if you want that, go cook it yourself." - me
my words, my "pro"pictures, my "fun" pictures, my videos.
guess he just wants to reinvent the wheel! lol