Monopod help! What height?

As someone who is pretty tall - 5'10" - I'm a little surprised to see that the monopods I'm looking at aren't really very tall - 60-63". When I add a head (do I need to do that?) and the camera, it still seems a bit short of my eye - or just right at it. Is that appropriate?
I'm going to be shooting a wedding and feel that doing some of the further away shots (man, my English is sucking tonight! LOL!) with a monopod might make more sense. This is going to be my main use for it.
Any suggestions?
I was looking at a lightweight Bogen until I realized it only extended to 60". Is this tall enough.
I'm going to be shooting a wedding and feel that doing some of the further away shots (man, my English is sucking tonight! LOL!) with a monopod might make more sense. This is going to be my main use for it.
Any suggestions?
I was looking at a lightweight Bogen until I realized it only extended to 60". Is this tall enough.
I know nothing about which brands are "good" however this one openst to 79"
Guy at work gave me the big fat catalog for bh... call me if I can help.
Personally I'd prefer the viewfinder to end up at eye level for comfort--hunching down to look through isn't very confortable after a while & defeats the purpose.
My eyes are approximately 6" lower than the top of my head so they are at about 5'9" above the ground. My 30D has the battery grip that raises the viewfinder about 5" above the top of the monopods 62.1/2" height with the 3229 head on it. Add the 5" to that and it is at 67.5 inches high or 5'71/2" high. I can live with bending over for 1 1/2 inches.
Best thing to do. Take your camera with the battery grip, lens etc that you plan on using to photography shop and give various monopods a try with various heads on it. If you are only using lenses with tripod rings the 3229 is very nice an easy. If not and you need portrait mode look at the Manfrotto 482RC2 ball head on top of the monopod with your camera attached. I think that you will find that a 60" tripod with or with out head will probably work just fine.
Thanks again!
For using a shorter lens with no ring, what I'd look at is adding an Arca-Swiss style quick-release adapter, like the RRS one and an L bracket for the camera. This is where I'm headed. I have tried using a ball head on a monopod, and found it's a PITA--you spend a lot of time fighting the thing flopping around. The one-axis head or none at all is much easier
The Gitzo 1564L Mk2 (4 section, Aluminium) is 78in high (~2meters) and very well build.
There is one on ebay right now (possibly more) for 140$:
― Edward Weston
Two things to consider in my opinion: Sometimes you will want to shoot down slightly rather than straight-on so having a pod that puts your viewfinder at eye-level standing straight up and additionally leaning forward is a plus - I calculate about 1in. ~ 1.5in. longer extension to lean it forward (as if you are shooting the flower girl or ring bearer kind of stuff).
The ball-head adds almost 4in. to the top of the mono. Frankly, when I'm doing action type event photo, there is little time to spend adjusting the head around - it can be cumbersome when you don't have a lot of time to set it up. The only advantage I have is turning the camera over for a portrait orientation rather than landscape. I would recommend no head - its just not that useful for what you described.
You can take a tape measure, hold it with your toe, and measure how high your eyeball is from the floor. Then take the bottom of your camera and measure up to the viewfinder and add that height to the lenth of the monopod. That will give you just what you need to know about where your viewfinder will be on top of the monopod.
- Mike
IR Modified Sony F717
Incidentally, I bought both mine used, and paid barely over 100 each.
I mostly use the Feisol at the zoo carrying a 300mm on it now, (was 200-400VR).
Both stay in my car ready to use.
This is what I use. I also have the Bogen tilt head if I need it (for use when the lens does not have a collar).
I am 6'1" and prefer a monopod with extra length, especially when not shooting on a level surface or if I end up standing on a curb or other object the extra length is helpful.
Yeah, I'm not a ball head fan on a monopod either. Prefer the 3229 RC2 though for the quick release. On those rare occasions that I use the mono for portraits I have the camera on my Custom Bracket. Gives me very stable camera sift to Portrait mode. But again this is very rare that I use the mono other than for sports.
Good luck !!!!:D
Hmmm...very interesting. I don't know that I care for the little tripod legs, but I *do* like the integrated 2-way head.